Thursday, July 04, 2024

We Must Declare Independence from the Monarchial Presidency

Today we celebrate the 13 colonies' declaration of independence from the British crown and what the colonists viewed as a tyrannical monarchy,  yet on this past Monday the extremist majority on the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling which gives the president almost monarchal powers with not accountability if actions - seemingly no matter how extreme - so long as they are dressed up as "official acts." Combined with this frightening ruling is Project 2025 authorized by right wing zealots that if implemented by a monarchial president (think Donald Trump) would role back the rights of many Americans, including women, gays and non-whites, and make white Christian nationalism the official religion of the nation. It is not hyperbole to say that a stage has been set for the end of American democracy and the rise of a regime as dangerous as that of Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Party which lead to the deaths of millions, incalculable suffering and ultimately, Germany's destruction. Sadly, Republicans and MAGA cultists seem just fine with a de facto monarchy which they believe will punish (or worse) those they deem "other" and allow them to benefit either politically or through an enhanced white superiority.  At this point, only American voters can stop this nightmare scenario, assuming they end their sleepwalking and pull their heads out of the sand as laid out in a column in the Washington Post: 

On this Independence Day 2024, we find ourselves, as a nation, back under a monarchy’s hold on America. Credit this astonishing turn of events to Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., plus the Supreme Court’s five other royalists who joined him to fashion a decision that bestows upon the American president immunity from accountability for “official” acts that might leave him open for prosecution were he an ordinary citizen. In her ferocious dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the majority’s decision makes the president a “king above the law.” So here we are, having defeated King George III in 1783, only to end up two centuries later with an American sovereign with powers that would make previous tyrants drool.

Were that not enough, the country is faced with the prospect of twice-impeached felon and former president Donald Trump returning to the White House. The thought of the mendacious, narcisstic, vengeful Trump with those powers is terrifying. Dismiss the notion that “there’s no telling what he would do.” We know better. Trump and his inner circle have told us what he’ll do.

It falls to people who cherish and live by democratic values to stave off that danger. The courts won’t do it. President Biden, healthy or otherwise, cannot do it by himself. Only we, the people, can do what needs doing, to wit: reject Trump and all that he stands for at the polls on Election Day.

Yes, votes are there to keep Trump out of the Oval Office, as they were in the previous presidential election. Trump, simply put, can’t win with only his base of MAGA supporters and fellow travelers, no matter how rabid they are.

Don’t get hung up for the moment on who should be the Democratic standard-bearer. There’s plenty of time to get that sorted out. . . . . Better to keep focused, and spread the word to family, friends and neighbors, about the world that awaits them if Trump takes the oath of office.

Prosecutions will warp into persecutions. Political foes, real and imagined, in the press and online and in the politicians’ suites, will be subjected to Trump’s whims and power. Pardons and clemency will rain down like manna on Jan. 6, 2021, insurrectionists. Russian President Vladimir Putin will once again have a friend in the White House and an ally against NATO and the West. Immigrants and people from Muslim-majority countries will face an aggressively hostile federal government. Civil rights and LGBTQ+ progress will grind to a halt. The economy will function on behalf of the haves, to the detriment of the have-nots and the left-out.

So, right now and until Election Day, no matter who is at the top of the ticket, concentrate on defeating Trump and regaining Democratic control of the House and preventing a GOP takeover in the Senate. Visualize Trump and a Republican-controlled Congress. Can you imagine a Republican House doing anything to rein Trump in? A Republican Senate doing anything but acquiescing to any underqualified, politically subservient appointment he chooses to make? Can mules whistle? Armed with Roberts’s ruling, dictator Trump could operate with impunity.

Thus, here we are on the Fourth of July with democracy on the line.

Let this be the day a second Declaration for Independence is launched, proclaimed on behalf of people who reject the notion of an imperial president, and who hold dear democratic ideals and principles. Let us pledge to defend it with our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

Let us begin today.

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