Friday, July 26, 2024

JD Vance: The Male Sarah Palin?

Over the last eight years JD Vance has shown that he has no guiding principles and that he will change supposedly deeply held convictions the blink of an eye if he thinks it will further his political interest.  He has gone from a never Trumper to Trump's VP nominee and in a little more than a week has shown that like Trump he will lie and posture in order to delight the misogynists, sexists and ignorance embracing MAGA base.  His pandering to that base has parallels with Sarah Palin, John McCain's VP pick who likely lost him the presidential election, in that while it thrills to base, it alienates even more voters than it pleases.  Vance's statements on abortion, which families count as real families (i.e. married straight couples with children), and women have sparked a fire storm and could well  help turn women against the Trump/Vance ticket.  And all of this doesn't even begin to factor in the manner in which his anti-Ukraine, pro-Putin statements are falling flat with those left in the Republican Party who support America's leading role in the world and are not ready to hand a large chunk of Europe over to Russia. His alienation of women, however, may his biggest gift to Democrats who already have Trump - who has bragged about overturning Roe v. Wade, has been found guilty of sexual abuse, and contemptuous of women - as a big motivator for women to flee the GOP.  A piece in the Washington Post looks at Vance's missteps:

Three years ago, well before JD Vance was selected as Donald Trump’s running mate, he suggested in a TV interview that some Democrats including Vice President Harris are “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable.”

Those 2021 comments are resurfacing on social media now that Harris is the likely Democratic nominee, sparking a fresh wave of anger from women who say it’s offensive to those struggling with fertility issues — and inaccurate that people without children “don’t really have a direct stake” in the country’s future.

At the same time, many on social media are embracing and owning the “childless cat lady” label as a point of pride, with many even pointing to reported billionaire Taylor Swift as a prime example of a highly successful one — seen even on her 2023 Time “Person of the Year” cover with her fluffy ragdoll wrapped around her neck.

“There’s a movement,” declared Nikki Barnes, a previous member of the Democratic National Committee from Florida, accompanied by a “Childless cat ladies for Harris 2024” image quickly amassing nearly 2 million views. On TikTok, people are snapping up “Cat ladies for Harris 2024” stickers.

The vociferous response to the resurfaced Vance comments — which have been shared widely and amassed nearly 28 million views on an X post shared Monday — only underscores how female reproductive rights including access to abortion, birth control and in vitro fertilization will be a major drivers in the 2024 race. Gender and racial attacks like the ones she [Kamala Harris] experienced as a primary candidate in the 2020 race are poised to accelerate now that she’s the likely nominee.

For the record, Harris, 59, became a stepmom of two when she married Douglas Emhoff in 2014 and has been deeply involved in the lives of stepchildren Ella and Cole. And Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, whom Vance also singled out in his comments describing how “the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children,” became a parent of adopted twins.

[M]any women are reminding Vance that there are plenty of reasons they may not have children.

“I truly can’t believe this is coming from a potential VP of The United States,” actress Jennifer Aniston wrote Wednesday, slamming Vance in an Instagram story. “Mr. Vance, I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day,” wrote the “Friends” star.

“I hope she will not need to turn to IVF as a second option. Because you are trying to take that away from her, too.” (While Trump has declared support for in vitro fertilization, Senate Republicans last month blocked consideration of a bill to protect IVF access — and the issue erupted in February when the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are people and that a person could be liable for destroying them.)

Reproductive health issues, especially conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis can impact women’s ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy. Female fertility declines with age and lack of adequate health-care services or child support services can also be factors influencing the decision to have a child.

‘The View" host Whoopi Goldberg also weighed in on the show Wednesday: “Sir, there are people who have chosen not to have children for whatever reason,” she said.

Meghan McCain, talk show host and daughter of the late GOP senator John McCain of Arizona, posted on X that “I have been trying to warn every conservative man I know — these JD comments are activating women across all sides, including my most conservative Trump supporting friends.”

Vance, in his 2021 comments, called out “childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.” Women online blasted the assumption that those who are without children are unhappy.

Vance’s comments came as more Americans are choosing not to have children. A Pew Research Survey in 2021 found that the childless U.S. adults aged 18 to 49 who said they were unlikely to ever have children rose by 7 percentage points in the previous three years to 44 percent. About 56 percent said they did not want children, 19 percent stated a medical reason for not having kids, and financial reasons stopped another 17 percent from becoming a parent.

As some on social media put it: Childless cat ladies vote, too — and some, even, are cultural icons. “It’s bold, for someone seeking votes, to hone in on ‘childless cat ladies’ when the leader of Childless Cat Ladies is TAYLOR SWIFT,” author Caitlin Moran posted. . . . Sure enough, Swifties were entering the chat in droves.

Legal fellow and Lawfare correspondent Anna Bower pointed out on X: “hell hath no fury like a certain childless cat lady who has yet to endorse a presidential candidate.”

1 comment:

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, he's been useful.
He's mobilizing women. Black and white women have been on the verge of breaking Zoom in two historic calls this week: childless cat ladies or not they are donating to Kamala and volunteering.
J.D. Vance can go fuck a couch.
Meghan McCan has to fuck right off.