Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Despite the GOP "Wokeness" Is Winning"

Despite Republian efforts to demonize gays, the transgender and drag queens and to ban books and rewrite a sanitized and very white version on American history, a new by the nonpartisan research institute NORC at the University of Chicago (funded in part by the Wall Street Journal) suggests that outside of the GOP base/Fox News alternate universe, Republican efforts are seemingly failing to changes the hearts and minds of a majority of Americans. Stated another way, what thrills the GOP's evangelical/Christofascist and white supremacist party base doesn't play well with the larger population. Will Republicans open their eyes to this reality?  Likely not given the ugliness and extremism of GOP primary voters and the desire of right wing outlets like Fox News, a/k/a Faux News, to give their viewrs what they want to hear rather than the truth and glimpses of objective reality.  A column in the Washington Post looks at the survey findings and the bubble  Republicans consistently seek to pander to.  Overall, the findings are encouraging for those who support equality and inclusion as opposed to hatred and division.  Here are column excerpts: 

“Wokeness” is winning, according to an illuminating new poll that should — but probably won’t — make Republican politicians wary of hitching their wagon to the anger-fueled culture wars.

The survey — conducted this month by the nonpartisan research institute NORC at the University of Chicago, with funding from the Wall Street Journal — found that on several hot-button issues related to “wokeness”, substantial majorities of Americans believe our progress toward inclusion and diversity is on the right track.

On “accepting people who are transgender,” 56 percent of respondents said our society “has been about right” or “has not gone far enough” — which should be lumped together as the “woke” positions, in my view, because they accept or welcome the way attitudes have changed. What I would call the “anti-woke” view, that we have “gone too far” in accepting transgender people, is held by 43 percent of those surveyed.

And it just gets more woke from there.

On “promoting equality between men and women,” 86 percent took the woke “about right” or “not gone far enough” positions, as opposed to 12 percent who espoused the anti-woke “gone too far” view. On “accepting people who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual,” the poll found respondents to be 69 percent woke versus 29 percent anti-woke. On “businesses taking steps to promote racial and ethnic diversity,” woke beat anti-woke, 70 percent to 28 percent. And on “schools and universities taking steps to promote racial and ethnic diversity,” wokeness ruled once again, 67 percent to 30 percent.

Even on the subject of pronouns, which GOP demagogues have sought to shift from the grammatical realm to the political, 58 percent of respondents were neutral or favorable toward the practice of specifying “he/him, she/her or they/them” in emails, on social media or in conversations; 42 percent were unfavorable.

In one of the poll’s most striking findings, respondents were asked, “Which of these concerns you more about schools today?” — and given the choice of two statements. A whopping 61 percent were more concerned that “some schools may ban books and censor topics that are educationally important,” as opposed to 36 percent who worried more that “some schools may teach books and topics that some students or their parents feel are inappropriate or offensive.”

It is always unwise to take any single poll as gospel. That said, the NORC survey is worth paying attention to because it appears to confirm what we see and hear all around us: Attitudes and language evolve. Americans my age remember a time, for example, when the LGBTQ community was widely shunned and closeted. My grandchildren, when they reach voting age, will wonder why people ever thought sexual orientation or gender identity was such a big deal.

Does the poll mean that MAGA activists will stop hectoring school boards to yank classics such as Nobel laureate Toni Morrison’s “Beloved” from library shelves? Sigh. Probably not.

It still shows a stark partisan divide. Seventy-five percent of respondents who identified as Republicans said we have “gone too far” in accepting transgender people, as opposed to just 15 percent of Democrats and 47 percent of independent voters. Majorities of Republicans also took the “gone too far” position on gay, lesbian and bisexual acceptance, and on promoting diversity in businesses, schools and universities — versus minorities of Democrats and independents who hold those views.

Some commentators, focusing on the poll’s findings about patriotism, religious observance and our national “character,” have suggested they see a retreat from what defines Americans.

But to me, the NORC poll shows Americans advancing in the right direction, toward inclusion rather than exclusion. It says most Americans don’t believe they’re living in a dystopia of “wokeism.” They’re just living in the here and now — not in the discriminatory, exclusionary past.


alguien said...

i'm very curious as to what republicans mean when they say we've "gone too far" in accepting trans people.

i mean, you either accept them or you don't. there's no in between so, it would seem, that, for republicans, mere acceptance of trans people is "going to far" given the unambiguous meaning of the word "accept."

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ok, so the NORC may be right. There's hope.
And I may quote you probably this week. I was thinking about writing about being Woke and you've given me the perfect backdrop.