Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Anger At Vaccine Refusers Grows

As one watches the news of the soaring number of Covid cases and more and more children becoming infected one thought that springs to mind is that none of this needed to be happening if only everyone eligible for vaccination had gone ahead and gotten vaccinated.  Things would have been so different and many parnts would not be terrified at the prospect of sending their children back to school.  Even more maddening is that some polls show that up to 90% of unvaccinated Republicans have no intention to get vaccinated, thus demonstrating a total disregard for others they put at risk.  Hopefully, more and more employers will require vaccination as a requirement of continued employment.  Locally, the members of the military will now be required to be vaccinated and thus help move Hampton Roads out of a "high risk"  category.  As a piece in The Atlantic explores, some of those most furious with vaccine refusers are medical personnel who have to treat the mindless morons when they fall ill with Covid.  Here are article excerpts:

On social media, I’ve been seeing sentiments that I never thought I’d see anyone express in a public forum. People who choose to be unvaccinated should not be offered lung transplants. What if people with COVID-19 who didn’t get the vaccine have to wait in the Emergency Department until everyone else is seen? Should unvaccinated patients just be turned away?

These are harsh, angry feelings. And some of the people giving voice to them are doctors.

I am an obstetrician in New York. I have been working with pregnant COVID-19 patients from the very beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, in a medical institution and city that have cared for thousands of patients with the disease. Health-care workers have suffered through a terrible year and a half—a period first defined by a lack of masks and gloves, and throughout by the very real fear of personal sickness and death. We have been afraid of bringing the disease home, of infecting our spouses, of leaving our children parentless. For about three months, I didn’t kiss my children.

Every day, my colleagues and I trudged past the temporary morgues in our hospital parking lots and the ICUs set up in the auditoriums and operating rooms and hallways; we signed too many death certificates; we washed our hands until they blistered before we let our families near us. We did that, every day, because we were trained to care for humans who needed us.

A lot of us went to work every day because the world needs to keep turning, and in that time, we were the ones turning it. Many others left medicine. One reason I didn’t was that humans needed help and I could provide it. But I also kept working because I needed to believe that, if I was ever in danger, other humans would come help me

Finally, in the depths of winter, during the week of my birthday, I received my first vaccine shot. Science had brought us a solution, and we could finally see the end of all those months of fear, exhaustion, and sacrifice.

But that’s not what happened. COVID-19 hasn’t ended. Instead, infection rates are going up. The Delta variant has taken hold, and hospitals are filling up again. But this time the suffering seems different, because it is avoidable. Optional. A choice.

The main reason the pandemic in the United States is not over is because people are not getting vaccinated. Some people may have good reasons for not getting a shot, but most people who refuse vaccination do not seem to be acting based on data or evidence. The refusals that we read every day seem more rooted in a general mistrust of government, or in a strong identity as “not that kind of people.” And those vaccine refusals mean people are getting sick, and will need care, and may die needlessly.

[T]he population-level rejection of COVID-19 vaccines is a different phenomenon—and one that’s much more personally threatening to my colleagues and me. By refusing the most effective intervention, people are risking not only their own life but the lives of many around them. That includes those who cannot get vaccinated—my children among them. Because of the choice that vaccine refusers are making, my job may again force me to avoid embracing my children.

“What makes me the maddest,” one of my doctor friends told me, “is that these people will reject science right until the second they need everything I have to keep them alive, and then they feel that they can come to our door and be entitled to that help and that hard work.” This friend is characterizing the inconsistency in the behavior she sees in people declining a vaccine but then demanding medical care based on the same science. That inconsistency feels, to her and to other dedicated medical professionals trying to survive this pandemic, very much like dishonesty.

Unlike during the pre-vaccine phase of the pandemic, the current upsurge of suffering isn’t one that humanity has to go through. People are choosing it. And intent matters. Intent is the difference between a child who goes hungry because their parent can’t afford dinner and the one who goes hungry because their parent won’t buy them dinner. Having the ability to provide relief but not do so is cruel.

[T]he rejection of lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines feels like a giant “Fuck you” from 29 percent of American adults. We will keep providing the best care possible, but they are making our job much harder.

The pandemic has taken away so much: millions of jobs, more than a year of education for tens of millions of children, more than 600,000 American lives. Amid this new, largely preventable wave of infections, some health-care providers are losing something else: the belief that all of us can come together as a people to solve a problem. Doing the work of curing human bodies is harder when some of one’s faith in humanity is lost.

What comes next? Future waves of COVID-19, probably; a widespread return to masking, perhaps; vaccine mandates in some limited settings, eventually. With time and common sense, the United States may get to a point at which infections subside. But it may not. I would argue that even if we do, Americans will have wasted time, energy, and lives.

Harsh as it may sound, I like the concept of turning away those who have deliberately and intentionally refused to get vaccinated.   They made a conscious choice and should have to live with the consequences of their own stupidity.


EdA said...

Put in stark terms, some 300 million Americans have been prevented from having their lives return to something resembling normal by the intentional malevolence of a distinct minority of Republiscum sociopaths and psychopaths who feel that they have the right not just to infect one another, which is their concern and no great loss, but also complete strangers and their own personal children. And I am among the Americans who are getting increasingly pissed off.

Robert Harrington on the Palmer Report has delineated a point that I have been thinking fIDome time, comparing people who drive under an influence with COVIDiots.

Similar of course to the privileged gun nuts who feel that everybody else in America should run the risk of being killed in a street crime or mass casualty so that they can get off with their penis extenders.

And what has brought this to even more of a point for me was a message from a friend who has had a quite successful heart transplant who has decided to cancel a cruise on NCL, which claims strict "no shots, no ship" protocols but even with an approved booster has decided not to risk it. But he still lives in Texas.

Some 300 million Americans kept from returning to a more normal life by a significant number of sociopaths and psychopaths with reckless disregard for human life.

Michael-in-Norfolk said...

I am in total agreement with you, especially the "no loss" comment on those who are endangering the nation.