Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Mike Pence - Trump’s Top Sycophant

While he continues to play his Sergeant Schultz routine of feigning ignorance on virtually everything, especially all things Russian, he nonetheless continues to confirm that he is unfit for the presidency and that, if Trump is removed from office, Pence must go with him.   Jennifer Rubin - perhaps at this point former Republican, conservative columnist for the Washington Post lets loose on Pence's lies and disingenuous behavior.   I hope that Robert Mueller fully investigates what Pence knew and when he knew it.  If Trump goes, we do not need yet another pathological liar in the White House. Here are column highlights:
Vice President Pence is in an unusual position. He must try to remain a confidante of the president, but he cannot for his own sake — and, if he might have to assume the presidency, for the sake of the country — be seen as adopting President Trump’s noxious views on race, misleading the American people on any issue or generally appearing as a disingenuous sycophant. Unfortunately, he regularly fails to steer clear of the latter.
At times his gushing over Trump is downright embarrassing. Pence’s unctuous comments tend to mystify listeners rather than convince them, as when he defended Trump’s attacks on his own attorney general.
Likewise when Pence on a foreign trip blatantly misstates Trump’s words, Pence comes off as dishonest and spineless:
Responding to a question about criticism of Trump’s statement, Pence both selectively quoted Trump and then added his own condemnation of neo-Nazis and others.
He then ventured to add context to what Trump had meant by “many sides.”
“The president also made clear that behavior by others of different militant perspectives are also unacceptable in our political debate and discourse,” Pence added.
Aping Trump’s mindless attacks on the media (for reporting his own words), Trump comes across as over-eager and disingenuous. (“Many in the media spent an awful lot of time focusing on what the president said and criticisms of what the president said instead of criticizing those who brought that hatred and violence to the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia,” he said.)
His speeches ladle on the praise to such an extent one wonders if he’s serious (and has horrendous political judgment) or is so insecure that he feels it necessary to genuflect before the delusional leader for fear of losing favor.
On his most recent trip, Pence outdid himself. The Post reported:
On a normal day, Vice President Pence’s praise of his boss knows few limits.  But on Thursday, it seemed to reach a new level. During a visit to the Panama Canal here, Pence spoke of President Trump as the modern reincarnation of one of the vice president’s personal heroes, Theodore Roosevelt.
This is as ludicrous as it is unhelpful since it winds up underscoring the enormous gap in character and ability between Trump and his predecessors. Again, Pence doesn’t make the president look any better; he just makes himself look servile.
Aside from making himself look less credible and impressive, Pence’s excessive praise will come back to haunt him, and undermine his stature, if he is forced to take over for the president before 2020 or pursues the presidency on his own down the road. He surely cannot align himself ever again with Trump’s lies (e.g., the false cover story about the reasons for firing FBI director James B. Comey), nor does he want to be seen as making excuses for Trump’s racist, white supremacist sympathies.

As for the last remark, Pence is a Christofascist himself.  I'm sorry, but check the history of Christofascist groups and you will find white supremacists. Pence likely shares Trump's racist and loathsome views. 

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