Thoughts on Life, Love, Politics, Hypocrisy and Coming Out in Mid-Life
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Will GOP "Law and Order" Stance Alienate Voters?
As part of the GOP's "Southern Strategy" launched under Richard Nixon, Republicans have routinely used "law and order" talking points to court racists and white supremacists. Now, with whites headed toward minority status nationwide and minorities increasingly wise to the GOP's race baiting tactics, some in the GOP are waking up to the reality that close alliances with police organizations and support for horrific miscarriages of justice by a flawed criminal justice system could be a road map to extinction. A piece in the New York Times looks at the disagreements within the GOP. Here are excerpts:
Since the Watts riots in Los Angeles in 1965, generations of
Republicans from Richard M. Nixon to the first George Bush deftly
capitalized on the anxiety of white voters over crime and urban unrest,
winning elections with appeals for law and order and unbending support
of the police.
in recent years, with crime plummeting and the party struggling among
minority voters, some Republicans have turned away from the tough talk
and embraced efforts to reduce the number of black men in prison and
overhaul the criminal justice system.
the violence and protests after two grand juries declined to prosecute
white police officers who killed black men, as well as the killings of
two New York City police officers, have angered some of the party’s most
ardent defenders of the police. Republicans find themselves debating
how to maintain their traditional embrace of law enforcement while not
alienating minority voters or ignoring systemic criminal justice issues.
divisions have spilled out on television in recent days. Former Mayor
Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York declared on Fox News that the protests
were leading to violence and that “all lead to a conclusion: The police
are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”
Peter T. King of New York said his fellow Republicans cannot be timid
about criticizing activists like the Rev. Al Sharpton, who Mr. King said
used racially charged terms to portray the killings of African-Americans by the police in Ferguson, Mo., and on Staten Island. What makes this moment more complex for Republicans, however, is that
Mr. Sharpton is not the only one who has criticized police mistreatment
of minorities and the broader justice system: Leading Republicans,
including Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, governors and Christian
conservatives, have been rethinking issues ranging from the
militarization of the police to sentencing guidelines.
question now is whether the racially tinged unrest, occurring at the
outset of a highly competitive presidential nominating contest, will
resurrect old resentments and stymie Republican efforts to reach out to
African-Americans and grapple with the justice system issues.
years of instinctively siding with the police — with Ronald Reagan
railing against “arson and murder in Watts” in his 1966 campaign for
governor and Mr. Bush using Willie Horton’s furlough to defeat Michael
S. Dukakis — Republicans are now more divided when it comes to crime and
law enforcement. This is in part because of raw politics: The country
is increasingly diverse, and the party can no longer win presidential
elections without making inroads among minority voters.
there are also deeper tensions between the Republicans’ traditional
tough-on-crime approach and a rising skepticism about government power
among conservatives and libertarians in the party.
beyond Mr. Paul were disturbed by the military-style tactics and
equipment of the Ferguson police during the protests in the weeks after
Mr. Brown’s death.
was also wide outrage on the right when the New York City officer
depicted on videotape choking Eric Garner to death on Staten Island was
not indicted. Some conservatives, believing that there are too many laws
on the books, were particularly incensed that Mr. Garner was targeted
as a criminal simply for selling individual cigarettes.
Strong support on the right for the police has continued even after the deaths in Ferguson and on Staten Island: A Gallup poll
this month showed that 66 percent of Republicans rated the honesty and
ethical standards of the police as “very high” or “high” while only 36
percent of Democrats said the same.
Read the rest of the piece. The take away? The GOP will have to decide whether it wants to continue to pander to a shrinking white supremacist/Christofascist base or expand the party's appeal to other voters.
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