Monday, April 15, 2013

Like Paul Ryan, Cuccinelli Claims Alliegance to Catholic Teaching But Embraces Ayn Rand Instead

As a former Roman Catholic who left Catholicism is utter disgust after the sex abuse scandal first exploded in Boston in 2002, I continue to be both amazed and disgusted by Republican politicians who wrap themselves in religiosity, claim to supportive of the Catholic social gospel, yet then embrace a cold, ruthless and heartless capitalism and demonstrate that they view much of humanity as disposable human garbage.   Paul Ryan, who wanted to gut social programs and destroy the social safety net is but one example.  Indeed, Ryan was even condemned by the generally bankrupt Catholic Church hierarchy which found Ryan's ruthless slashing of the social safety net to be utterly inconsistent with Catholic social teachings.  Here in Virginia, we have another similar hypocrite who embraces his Catholicism for show and political display, but who champions policies diametrically opposed to the true Catholic social gospel.  Here are highlights from a piece in National Review:

What book would he write about if he had to write a college-admissions essay?  .   .   .  .  Ultimately, he picks Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.

Rand, Cuccinelli says, “captured an awful lot of the battle for our government that’s going on right now” and saw “the natural course of bigger government, [the problem of] relying on it for everything, and the control it takes over everything as it goes down that path.” Cuccinelli observes that “we’re having a debate about that right now in this country, about whether that’s the right way to go or not.”

Ultimately, Cuccinelli is opposed to freedom, or at least freedom for any one other than Christofascists such as those who are epitomized by the hate merchants at The Family Foundation and angry white Tea Party extremists.  As for the social gospel, he's against expanded health care, he supports strict voter ID laws to disenfranchise minorities, and he wants women basically kept   barefoot and pregnant in the home, and, of course, he wants gays criminalized and subjected to felony charges under Virginia's unconstitutional sodomy statute.  

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