Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Female Voters Give Obama Edge on Contraception, Abortion

On social issues and certainly issues surrounding women's rights There is no way around the conclusion that the GOP has allowed the most extreme elements of the Christofascist party base to become the architects for the current party platform.  I mean really, Tony Perkins as a main author of the GOP policies on "marriage."  Why not appoint a Grand Inquisitor of old?  Fortunately, many women are not as stupid and easily misled as Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan - and in Virginia, George Allen - thought would be the case.  An article in The Hill looks at how the GOP prostitution of itself to religious extremists is biting the party in the ass when it comes to women voters.  Here are some article highlights:

President Obama's contraception mandate is helping him enormously with female voters, a new USA Today/Gallup poll says.

Obama has found two winning issues in birth control and abortion.  Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) have attacked the administration's contraception mandate as an assault on religious liberty. But the USA Today poll indicates that emphasizing the policy could help Obama more than Romney.

A greater emphasis on abortion rights could also help bolster Obama's standing with female voters, according to the USA Today poll. Nearly 40 percent of women cited abortion as the most important election issue for women. And respondents who cited abortion preferred Obama by a 3-1 margin.

"That could signal an opening for Obama among women in the second debate and the final 21 days of the campaign," USA Today said in its write-up of the poll results.

The administration's contraception mandate could also help Obama with women.  Thirty-one percent of female voters said birth control policy will be "extremely important" in influencing their vote. And Obama holds a 21-point advantage over Romney — 56 to 35 percent — on the issue.

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