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In its effort to pander and prostitute itself to religious extremists (some of whom border on serious mental illness in my view) and the know nothings and cretins of the Tea Party, the Republican Party has entered into some bizarre alternate universe where reality is whatever the Party's demagogues claim it to be even if objective reality and actual facts dictate otherwise. This detachment from objective reality extends to the GOP's economic policy which seeks to emulate the austerity approach that has reaped disastrous results in Europe, including the United Kingdom which is falling back into recession. A group of forty (40) economists who live in the real world as opposed to the insane world of the Christianists/Tea Party have evaluated the GOP's economic plan and confirmed that it bears no relation to reality. Here are highlights from Think Progress on the GOP's economic insanity:
A survey of forty economists from across the ideological and partisan spectrum has concluded that on some of its most cherished issues, the Republican Party has simply taken leave of economic reality. For instance, economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers noted that one of the results from the survey — run by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, which is hardly known for a left-wing slant — is an overwhelming agreement that the 2009 Recovery Act (i.e. the stimulus) brought down unemployment. But GOP leaders have spent years roundly denouncing the stimulus as a failure.
And while there was a bit more disagreement as to whether the benefits of the stimulus bill outweighed its costs, the bulk of the economists surveyed came down in the “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” camps. Other points from the survey’s respondents worth noting:
The nation needs new revenues. Contrary to nearly every Republican, the economists overwhelmingly agreed that the federal budget deficit cannot and should not be closed without increased tax revenue.While there were a few survey results that could be interpreted as hard on progressive causes as well, none struck at their heart in the same way as the positions taken on core Republican beliefs.
No gold standard. They roundly rejected the belief that a return to the gold standard would stabilize prices or lower unemployment. Enthusiasm for the gold standard made a significant comeback in Republican circles during the presidential primaries.
The “Laffer Curve” won’t help. Virtually all of them rejected the notion that cutting income tax rates would actually increase total tax revenue in future years.
In short, just about all of Romney's economic proposals are flat ass wrong - not to mention insane based on simple math that indicates that sharply cutting taxes for the wealthy while greatly increasing defense spending will increase the deficit, not reduce it.
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