Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Starbucks CEO Smacks Down Anti-Gay Marriage Bigots

Maggie Gallagher of NOM and other professional gay haters (e.g., Tom Strobar, President of Citizen Action) attended the annual shareholders meeting of Starbucks and tried to cause a stink over the corporation's very public support of same sex marriage in Washington State. Things did not go according to plan for the Christofascists to say the least. In response to NOM's complaint about Starbucks' support for marriage equality, Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz responded as follows:

"Any decision of this type or magnitude has be made with great thoughtfulness and I would assure you that a senior team at Starbucks discussed this. To be very candid with you, this was not something that was a difficult decision for us and we did share this with the board as well. [snip] We made that decision, in our view, through the lens of humanity and being the kind of company that embraces diversity."

As Joe Jervis reports, The assembled Starbucks stockholders responded with strong applause to Shultz's remarks. Not surprisingly, NOM's panties are in a total knot and has started a "dump Starbucks" petition. I for one will make a point of increasing my patronage of the Starbucks located a few doors down from my office.

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