Saturday, January 29, 2011

Obama's Hate Group Bedfellows in the DOMA Appeals

Barack Obama - our faux "fierce advocate in the White House - has disingenuously argued that he has no option but to appeal lower court decisions striking down portions of DOMA (and DADT) as unconstitutional because of their discriminatory impact of LGBT citizens. Now GLAAD has assembled a list of organizations that have filed amicus briefs - so-called "friends of the court" briefs - in support of Obama's DOJ defense of DOMA. By the very nature of the groups filing such briefs it is nothing less than an indictment of Obama and his false claims of supporting LGBT equality. Why do I make this statement? Because the groups filing amicus briefs include a who's who of anti-gay groups, some of which are registered hate groups as well. As the saying goes, you are known by the company you keep and Obama's company in supporting DOMA is utterly disgusting. Here's a list of the groups filing briefs along side the Obama DOJ:
Agudath Israel of America
American College of Pediatricians [FAKE]
Attorneys General of SC, UT, IN, MI, CO
Concerned Women for America
Congressman Lamar Smith
Eagle Forum
Family Research Council
Foundation for Moral Law
Robert George
George Goverman
Liberty Counsel
Massachusetts Family Institute
National Legal Foundation
National Organization for Marriage
Pacific Justice Institute
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
National Association of Evangelicals

The NARTH brief has the audacity to cite its own fraudulent "research" as rebuttal to the trial court's findings based on legitimate medical and mental health experts. Never mind that the APA has thoroughly rejected NARTH's bullshit reparative therapy claims and labeled the use of reparative therapy as unethical. One can only hope that the APA will take the next logical step and push for the revocation of licenses of those who continued to push the false "change change" and "choice myths." In the meantime, I hope that individuals harmed by the "ex-gay" ministries (using the term "ministries" very loosely, of course) will seek out legal counsel and bring lawsuits against these snake oil merchant ministries and the so-called therapists and help put them out of business once and for all. As I have stated before, the most tawdry whore has more integrity than the frauds at NARTH and the other groups that preach false science while seeking to undermine religious freedom for all Americans, not just the Christianists. That these folks are Obama's bedfellows on DOMA speaks volumes and none of it is good.

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