Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Catholic Church Contempt for Democracy (and Honesty)

The Roman Catholic Church continues to be governed in a feudal manner that reflects the pattern of governance of a medieval kingdom as opposed to a system where all members are looked upon as having the right to make their decisions on matters of conscience. The Pope is the quasi-emperor and the laity are treated more or less as serfs/peasants. It's a case where the saying "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is all too true. And some of the Church's minions hold the same contempt for democracy as does the emperor/Pope. Two recent incidents underscore this sad reality. The first involves a rant by Michael Voris on who longs for a Catholic dictatorship. His views can be summarized as follows:
The problem with democracy is all these voters with different views on things like abortion and homosexuality, where people who vote for such things are just rotten parasites who want to destroy civilization. So he has two solutions: 1) only allow good Catholics to vote, and 2) ideally, get rid of democracy altogether and instead install a Catholic dictatorship.
A second shining example of Uber-Catholic lunacy is ultra-far right American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property which I have written about in the past. That organization's views are much akin to those of Mr. Voris. In addition, the folks at The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property have no problem falsifying data to achieve their anti-gay agenda. In the wake of the decision in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the TFP crowd apparently thought they'd be cute and set up a poll on whether the public supported the decision. Obviously, they thought they would see wide spread condemnation of the decision. Except that is NOT what happened. The actual results are shown in this view (click the image to enlarge):

Yes, your read correctly. Over 84% of respondents indicated that they supported Judge Walker's decision. This obviously did not sit well with the homo-haters at TFP. What to do given the result? Why, modify the language of the poll to achieve the desired result. Fortunately, Daily Kos caught the images both before and after the TFP folks doctored the results. The following image is the doctored results with revised poll questions:

So much for honesty, integrity and obedience to the Commandment against lying and bearing false witness. As increasingly seems to be the norm, when far right Catholics, Christians and Mormons are talking or putting up data, the safest course of action is to assume they are lying - yet again - until proven otherwise.

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