Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Need for "Don't Ask, Don't Give" - and Don't Vote Continues

As Gay, Inc., falls all over itself acting as if the DADT "repeal" compromise put out yesterday is the best thing since sliced bread - probably because they are desperate to be able to claim they accomplished something - frankly all I can do is shake my head in disgust. The proposal on the table is the equivalent of telling black Americans in the early 1960's that we're passing a law to repeal the Jim Crow laws - but in will only become effective at some possible future date and only IF enough whites decide they can live with the repeal. Give me a frigging break. If this is the bet that Barack Obama and Democrats controlling both houses of Congress can do, then there really is no point in electing Democrats. What truly drives me nuts is that all the polls show that a majority of Americans support repeal and that our allies that rescinded their similar bans had no problems. What the f*ck is the problem? Has Obama been hanging out with BFF Rick Warren too much again? I am nauseated by this betray. I'm even more insulted that the Democrats and Obama think LGBT Americans are so stupid that we'll think they did something for us.
Obviously, I can only speak for myself, but if this travesty of a "repeal" is all that gets passed, the Democrats had best take me off of EVERY contributor list, never ask me for grassroots work again, and NEVER expect me to bother to vote for them come election day. The same goes for every Gay, Inc. organization applauding this abortion of a bill as if it were really some sort of an achievement. If this is all they can deliver, I might as well be burning my money. It's an indictment of how our "friends" betray us time and time again while the "A-list gays" grovel to maintain "access."
And my special message to Glenn Nye, Jim Webb and Mark Warner - you have lost my vote permanently if this is all you have the balls to support.

1 comment:

Jeffy said...

I know it's not a good bill. But I'd think you'd argue that it's a positive indicator repeal is coming.

I thought that if the study comes back green lit then DADT is effectively repealed? Do you expect the study to say it's infeasible? Otherwise isn't it just a few more months till DADT is a memory?

I'm not happy about it. But if all we need to do is another little song and dance to get some angry old guys to give us equality, I'd think that's a small price to pay.

Baby steps are still steps...