Sunday, September 13, 2009

Washington Teabaggers: White, Redneck, Racist and Crazy

The numerous media stories on yesterday's teabagger event in Washington, D.C., confirm several things about the teabaggers and what is left of the base of the Republican Party. The Party is now comprised of older whites, racist rednecks and those who are frighteningly delusional. The only good news concerning the event is that the organizers failed to turn out anywhere near the number of protesters promised and according to some reports even resorted to offering up a phony photo to try to back up turnout claims. The only problem? The weather conditions in the photo did not match the actual weather conditions in Washington, D.C., yesterday. Yet more evidence of the mental powers - or lack thereof - and general instability of the teabagger crowd. Think Progress has some telling information on some of the sponsor of the event as well:
There were several hate groups among the various corporate and Republican organizations paying FreedomWorks to help finance the rally. The National Association for Rural Landowners, a bronze sponsor, references the incidents at Waco and Ruby Ridge to call for attacks on “government entities” and liberals. In a YouTube video posted in July, the group makes the case for a secession, followed by a violent civil war. Another 9/12 cosponsor, FreeRepublic, is a forum for various radical right causes and as ThinkProgress reported, the shooter at the Holocaust museum found a welcome audience for his writings on the website.
Being in New York City and marveling at the racial and cultural diversity of the population, I can only image what the teabaggers must think of cities like New York and the concept of races living and working side by side. Frankly, I just cannot understand the irrational fear of other people just because they look different, may hold differing religious beliefs, or are attracted to those of their own gender. I - and others - also find it very disturbing that prominent GOP elected officials are not running screaming from the teabagger crowd and disavowing the outright racism and hatred that simmer just below the surface. These Party leaders are becoming as crazy as the party base and none of it bodes well for the nation. Here are more highlights:
In an interview with the Washington Independent, [Senator Jim] DeMint [R-SC] claimed that the attendees at the march were “a cross-section of the population.” When it was pointed out to him that almost everyone there was white, DeMint simply said, “It’s probably just the time and organization and the media that promoted it.”
Mark McKinnon, a former adviser to Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) presidential campaign, has warned conservatives from embracing events like the 9/12 March. “It’s bad for Republicans because in the absence of any real leadership, the
freaks fill the void and define the party,” McKinnon said.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, as I said I was going to do, I went to the president's rally in Minneapolis. That was an uplifting event. There were all races and abilities there. The reverend that opened the event invoked the anishinabe (Native American) migwich (thanks) as a blessing.
Obama may not be all we want him to be, but as I was sitting there listening to him, I could not imagine any of the other candidates that were running for president last year doing anywhere near the job that he does connecting with the audience. If we had been stuck with John McCain, or even Hillary... I shudder at the thought!