The reality of “change” has hit full-force in Washington, D.C., and in many respects, it’s a nightmare. But as bad as things are in Washington, for many pro-family Americans the greatest political danger lurks much closer to home. From Albany to Sacramento, state capitols are the flash points for the most aggressive efforts to redefine family and “re-norm” cultural standards—all the while undermining religious freedom. And changes at the state level often cause the biggest impact in our daily lives . . . and the state of Colorado has served as a testing ground for strategy now being exported across the country.
I told you last summer about a new Colorado law that gave special “public accommodation” protections to people who self-identify as homosexual or "transgender.” I shared with you how Focus on the Family Action warned lawmakers that this legislation would reap a whirlwind of social problems. We specifically warned them that their vote for this bill would even allow men to use women’s restrooms—right alongside women and even young girls.
Now, months later, a state agency has issued regulations to enforce the new law, . . . . You see, a number of the new rules deal specifically with restrooms, locker rooms and other locations where “nudity is customary.” But instead of being concerned with public safety and protection of children in these vulnerable public situations, the regulations read more like social engineering that reaches far beyond the sensibilities of the average Coloradan.
“Transgender status” is defined so vaguely that only a mind-reader could know whether a man is actually “transgendered”—or if he’s really a Peeping Tom, or worse. In other words, a “transgendered” > man entering a women’s restroom might display obvious signs (such > as cross-dressing), or he might appear like any other man.
In at least a dozen states, religious freedom is being threatened by existing “nondiscrimination” laws. . . . our nation didn’t get into this situation overnight, and it’s going to take a long, committed effort to get out. That’s why I’d like to invite you to team up with us as a monthly financial partner. Your regular support—whether it’s $10 a month or $100 or more—allows us to more effectively plan, budget and carry out our work for the long haul. To set up a recurring gift, select "Monthly" in the Frequency field on our online donation page. Of course, we most certainly welcome gifts of any form right now.
Demonizing an entire class of people for money. The pieces of silver paid to Judas seem petty ante compared to the disgusting tactics used by FOF to further the message of hate that is FOF's stock in trade. Every LGBT citizen and our fair minded allies need to be aware of just how low FOF and its Christianist allies will stoop in their effort to keep LGBT Americans less than full citizens.
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