Monday, July 07, 2014

North Carolina and Virginia - A Study in Contrasts on Climate Change

Wherever Republicans are in control of state government, climate change denial is seemingly mandatory.  In the wake of the GOP takeover of the legislature and governor's mansion in North Carolina, politicians are going to great lengths to deny reality.  In Virginia, thanks to a Democrat governor and some Republicans who see the hand writing on the wall, a more sane approach seems to be taking root.  An editorial in the New York Times looks at the divergent paths being taken by the neighboring states.  Here are excerpts:
The politics of climate change are veering in starkly different directions in the neighboring states of North Carolina and Virginia. Foolhardy denial about the severity of rising seas is underway in North Carolina, where the Republican Legislature, prodded by tourism-dependent coastal counties and alarmed homeowners, ordered a state commission of experts to soften its estimate that coastal waters could rise 39 inches by the end of the century. The commission was told to revise its outlook, take into account dissenting views of climate change and produce a forecast of no more than 30 years — in hopes of keeping the estimated sea-level rise to no more than eight inches.

By contrast in Virginia, a bipartisan group of political leaders is forthrightly talking about the problem. Last week, they met to consider ways to adapt the low-lying Hampton Roads region in southeastern Virginia to science-based predictions that the seas will rise at least a foot in 30 years and five feet or more by the end of the century.

“The challenge is not theoretical,” said Representative Scott Rigell, an Eastern Shore Republican. Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, announced the creation of a new state commission on the ocean threat.

At the heart of the Hampton Roads area is Norfolk, home to the world’s largest naval base and a city that the White House warned in May is among the nation’s most vulnerable to rising sea levels. “This is a matter of national security,” Alice Hill, a senior adviser to the National Security Council, said at the Virginia meeting. 

The anxiety of commercial interests and homeowners along threatened coastal areas is understandable. But they are not helped by pandering politicians who choose to see no further than the span of their own careers — and are shirking the challenge of climate change.

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