Sunday, June 22, 2014

Minnesota GOP Supreme Court Nominee Vows To Put The Bible Above the Law

Examples of the batshitery of the Christofascists who now control the base of the Republican Party and their tawdry political whores in the GOP seem to be multiplying exponentially as sane and rational people flee the GOP.  One truly has to wonder when some of these nutcases are going to be charged with sedition and/or treason given their statements that their goal is to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and place the Bible as the governing document of the nation.  A case in point?  Michelle MacDonald (pictured above), the GOP nominee to become a state Supreme Court judge.  Just to add to the fun, MacDonald id up on DUI charges.  One literally could not make up the lunacy that is now the norm in the Republican Party.  These people are worse than a bad caricature.  Here are details from the Friendly Atheist on the batshitery eruption in Minnesota:

Lawyer Michelle MacDonald, who faces DUI charges, just won the Minnesota GOP’s nomination to become a state Supreme Court judge.

Just before getting the nomination, MacDonald explained how she would make decisions: Forget the law. It’s all about the Bible:
When judges used to enter the courtroom, they would hold the Bible over their head, like this.
In the words of George Washington, it is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.
She’s a bad historian, too. There’s no evidence whatsoever that Washington said that. (Even Christian pseudo-historian David Barton, who popularized that lie in the first place, later admitted there was no proof he said it.)

She’s like a female version of Alabama’s Chief Justice Roy Moore, who installed a Ten Commandments monument right in the courthouse. (But with a DUI charge.)

She said later in her speech that she would be “committed to civil liberties, constitutional rights, human dignities, and fair treatment of all citizens children or adults.” Though I wonder if she would’ve applied those principles to gay couples if the state hadn’t legalized marriage equality last year…

There’s one more MacDonald incident worth noting:
The documents also contained information about a bizarre incident in 2013 where MacDonald, who was representing a client in court, was removed from the courtroom by deputies and placed in a cell.
According to the documents, MacDonald was handcuffed, placed in [a] wheel chair and wheeled back into the courtroom by a deputy. The hearing resumed and MacDonald continued to represent her client, but she was in a wheel chair and handcuffed. MacDonald was jailed for multiple days, but was eventually released without being charged.
That’s who the GOP just nominated to the highest court in the state.
My Republican ancestors must be rolling in their graves that such a lunatic not only won any GOP nomination but that she won a nomination to Minnesota's highest court.  And the Tea Party wonders why America is dropping like a stone in international competition?  Its as if the GOP has undergone a collective lobotomy or had a collective nervous breakdown.  These people are insane and downright frightening!!

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