Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New MBC/Wall Street Journal Poll: 0 Percent of Blacks for Mitt Romney

A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has yielded results that ought to have been foreseen by anyone rational and sentient: 0% of black Americans are supporting the Romney/Ryan ticket.  Frankly, the results should come as no surprise because a black American voting for any Republican candidate in today's GOP is akin to a Jew voting for Hitler and the Nazi Party or a black voting for a KKK candidate.  Only a lunatic or a complete idiot would vote that way.  And black voters are confirming that they are not the idiots that the GOP and its allies like the National Organization for Marriage ("NOM") take them to be.    Here are highlights from Politico:

President Barack Obama continues to beat Mitt Romney among African American voters with a staggering 94 percent to 0 percent lead, according to a poll released Tuesday.

The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll — which gives Obama and Vice President Joe Biden a small lead over Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan — shows Obama has a massive lead over his Republican rival in the key political base of African-American voters, reported.

Obama also beats Romney among Latinos, voters under 35 and women, while Romney does better than Obama with whites, rural voters and seniors.

While it is heartening to see that the cited demographic groups are not falling for disingenuous GOP lies, on the other hand, it is disheartening to see how pathetic American politics have become.  A post at sums up things well:

 It may be tempting for white progressives to laugh at the fact that Romney is polling at 0% among a significant US demographic, but, for real, that shit isn't funny. It's tragic. The Republican Party has made disenfranchising African-American voters, failing to serve African-American communities via their garbage policies, and using race and class (the latter inextricably tied to the former in the US) as a wedge issue to win elections, for decades.

That virtually all African-Americans feel, and rightly so, that voting Republican is not remotely an option for them means that, in a country already gridlocked and polarized and totally fucked by an entrenched two-party system that increasingly benefits no one but the One Percent and Big Business, African-Americans aren't even left with the shitty choice between two shitty parties, but the option to vote for the one party that is slightly less shitty or not voting at all.

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