Sunday, August 19, 2012

Local Loon and Bigot, Pat Robertson, Condens International Adoption

I swear that as he gets more elderly, Pat Robertson becomes more of a daily embarrassment to the Hampton Roads area as he spews batshitery on one topic after another.  Robertson's latest case of verbal diarrhea involves international adoption.   Andy Towle has pulled together a good overview of Robertson's lunacy which fortunately was rebuked by the dean of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Admittedly, I don't hold anyone involved in the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention in the highest regard, but compared to Robertson Russell Moore is fully rational and wise.  Here are some highlights:

Rev. Pat Robertson angered some of his co-religionists this week, when on the 700 Club he seemed to suggest that international adoption is bad idea.  .   .   .   .   The Christian Post has transcribed Robertson's remarks:
"A man doesn't want to take on the United Nations, and a woman has all these various children, blended family, what is it – you don't know what problems there are. I'm serious. I've got a dear friend, an adopted son, a little kid from an orphanage down in Columbia. Child had brain damage, grew up weird. And you just never know what's been done to a child before you get that child. What kind of sexual abuse has been, what kind of cruelty, what kind of food deprivation, etc. etc." the televangelist said.

Robertson continued: "You don't have to take on somebody else's problems. You really don't. You can help people – we administer to orphans all over the world, we love helping people. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm going to take all the orphans around the world into my home.
Russell Moore, the massively influential Evangelical writer and dean of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, offered a swift and -- in the very best sense of the word -- Christian rebuke:
I am taking a deep breath here and reciting Beatitudes to myself. I had promised never to mention Robertson here again. Every few months he says some crazy scandalous thing. He blames 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina on gays and lesbians, cozies up to the Chinese coercive and murderous one-child policy, counsels a man that he can divorce his Alzheimer’s-riddled wife because she’s “not there” anymore.

Let me just say this bluntly. This is not just a statement we ought to disagree with. This is of the devil.
One would think that Robertson's children would do something to get Pat off the air.  He's an embarrassment to himself, his family, and certainly the Hampton Roads area.  But I guess shaking down the ignorant and uninformed for money is just too good of an opportunity to pass up.  Meanwhile, Robertson represents one of the best reason NOT to be a Christian.

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