Sunday, August 19, 2012

GOP Senate Candidate: "Legitimately Raped" Women Don't Get Pregnant

Just when you think the batshitery from the GOP cannot get any worse, someone like Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) - who is running against Senator Clair McCaskill - comes along.  Adkin opposes abortion in all instances because Adkin says "legitimately raped" women don't get pregnant.  I don't know if I want to know what Adkin considers to be a "legitimate rape" - although something tells me that if the woman is white and the man is black, then it'd be legitimate in Adkin's mind.  One can only wonder what cave or from under what rock Akin has slithered.  Yet, in Missouri, Adkin is frighteningly leading McCaskill in the polls at the moment - not a very good commentary on the people of Missouri if you ask me.  Has the state of Missouri had a collective lobotomy?  Here's a video clip of Adkin's lunacy:

Like most of the loons who inhabit today's GOP, Adkin doesn't let the facts get in the way of his cretin like pronouncements as noted by Joe Jervis:

A 1996 study by the American Journal of Obstetricians and Gynecologists found “rape-related pregnancy occurs with significant frequency” and is “a cause of many unwanted pregnancies” — an estimated “32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year.” In a tweet, McCaskill said she was “stunned” by Akin’s comments. Akin is perhaps the boldest among a crop of conservative 2012 nominees who could hamper GOP efforts to take back the Senate in the fall. Akin has called for an end to the school-lunch program and a total ban on the morning-after pill.

Yet despite this all too typical insanity (never mind the racism, hate and bigotry) people seriously tell me that I should go back to the GOP!   Adkins opponent had this to say:

“It is beyond comprehension that someone can be so ignorant about the emotional and physical trauma brought on by rape,” McCaskill said in a statment. “The ideas that Todd Akin has expressed about the serious crime of rape and the impact on its victims are offensive.” 
When the GOP decided to embrace the Christianists for political gain, they also made the conscious decision to embrace ignorance as well.  To be a Republican today, one needs to be a racist, a bigot, a homophobe, motivated by greed, and ignorant by deliberate choice.  The GOP itself has become offensive.

1 comment:

Tempest Nightingale LeTrope said...

Just who is this asshole? Oh my gods! If you could actually hear me saying this, I'd be spluttering with rage as I tried to get the words out. Perhaps this isn't strictly appropriate, but I wish he'd get "legitimately raped" by a giant red demon in the hell where he belongs.