Sunday, March 18, 2012

Inconvenient Facts: Obama's Spending is More Conservative than Reagan's

As the Republican Party has become more and more under control of far right Christianist, truth and reality have meant less and less to the GOP base and the quasi-GOP mouth prices at conservative "news outlets." The graph below is a case in point even as the GOP and its puppeteers shriek about Obama's supposedly run away spending.

Andrew Sullivan appropriately notes as follows:

This is the kind of reality that makes Sean Hannity's head explodes. So far, the GOP candidates have been running against a fictional president with a fictional record. Obama didn't campaign to increase government spending, but inheriting what was in the final quarter of 2008 an annulaized contraction of 9 percent of GDP, he opted for a stimulus. That accounts for much of the spending.

I know we are supposed - along with Fox News - to have total amnesia about the spending record of George W. Bush, who had nothing like the recession Obama inherited to counter. But there it is. Along with the fact that of the last seven presidents, the top three are all Republicans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can only hope that this translate into real change in the thinking of America, especially the "Christian" right.

Peace <3