Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Real Reason The Catholic Church Wants Gays Oppressed

Personally, I believe that there are many reasons that the Catholic Church leadership wants gays to continue to be oppressed and treated with scorn. One, of course, is that small minded men of actually very weak faith cannot tolerate the possibility that the few passages in the Bible claimed to condemn homosexuality might just be wrong. That possibility terrifies them and threatens their entire house of cards belief system. Frankly, they ought to be more worried about the fact that Adam and Eve did not really exist since that scientific truth literally wipes out the entire foundation for Christianity's story line. Other reasons involve the warped and damaged psyches of the ranks of the Church hierarchy. First we have the fact that the Church hierarchy is filled with self-loathing closet cases who project their hatred on normal, well adjusted gays who are everything that the closet cases themselves are not. Then there are other closeted members of the hierarchy who are likely bitter that they have in retrospect thrown away their lives living a lie and missing out on any chance at true happiness. And then there's another theory raised in a piece on The New Civil Rights Movement. What is it? That the acceptance of gays is destroying the pipeline for the Church's labor forces: priests and nuns. Here are highlights:

The Catholic Church is the world’s single largest anti-gay hate group. If we are to minimize its pernicious influence, we must educate societies about the Church’s financial motivations for keeping gay human beings oppressed.

The Church’s business model depends on the cheap labor of priests and nuns, without whom the bullying theocrats at the top of the Church hierarchy would not be able to continue living their lavish and decadent lifestyle.

How does the Church intimidate gay people into signing up for lifetimes of poverty, hard work and (ostensibly) celibacy? By socially stigmatizing gay human beings and driving young gay people to despair about their chances for satisfying adult domestic lives, the Church as good as tortures young gay people into signing up to be priests and nuns.

The fall-off in the number of young people signing up for lifetimes slaving for the Church corresponds almost precisely to the gradually increasing social acceptance of gay human beings. The Church knows that and — at the expense of gay people’s basic human rights — is lashing out in attempts to protect its business interests and historical business plan.

The Pope recently announced that marriage equality is a threat to the future of humanity. . . . That bit of preposterous anti-gay hate speech is duplicitous, just another cover for trying to turn back social progress so the Church can torment young gay people into entering the priesthood.

[T]he Church opposes allowing gay parent adoptions, because such adoptions lead to increased acceptance of gay human beings, which works against the Church’s business plan.

For Church leaders to defame gay people by calling homosexuality an “intrinsic moral evil” — and other such defamatory, non-fact-based phrases — is as disgraceful as was the Vatican’s signing of the Reichskonkordat political treaty with Adolph Hitler.

Gay Americans today must refuse to allow the Catholic Church to put us under national house arrest in a system of sexual orientation apartheid, in the name of anti-gay Church dogma and for the purpose of enriching the Church.

Not only is the Church wrong to poison minds against gay people, it is doing so at least in part to distract from its crimes of child rape and child rape cover ups. . . . . As with its gay-bashing, the Catholic Church bashes Church child rape victims out of financial motivations; intimidate as many victims as possible out of coming forward, in order to avoid having to compensate them.

For those interested, has a petition HERE calling for Barack Obama to reject the political efforts of the Catholic Church to torpedo health care coverage that for contraception and other needed services to individuals.

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