Sunday, January 08, 2012

Quote of the Day: Andrew Sullivan on Santorum and the GOP

Once again, Andrew Sullivan sums up the state of things in the GOP rather well:

Santorum is such a vile person it is hard for me to judge his performance. But he seemed to me to come off as the prize asshole he is: nasty, extreme, reactionary, callous. Perry was irrelevant. But his bid to send troops back to Iraq was insane; and yes, he did say that Iran would literally move at the speed of light into Iraq.

But the real lesson of this debate is that this crew is the worst assembled for the nomination of a major party that I can recall. They make you pine for Tsongas. As one reader notes:

I used to be a Republican. Still consider myself conservative. But I just donated $25 to Obama's re-election after watching this GOP debate. Obama should encourage all his supporters to watch these debates. It would make them want to donate.

The Democrats must be thrilled.

I understand Andrew's reader's reaction. I'm often embarrassed that I was ever a Republican in view of what the party has become.

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