Friday, January 13, 2012

Gingrich Slams Romney for Speaking French

I guess it will play well in the sick lunatic world of the Christianist/Tea Party base of the GOP, but in the thinking world one would not think that having a president conversant in the language of a foreign ally would be a bad thing. Yet, among Newt Gingrich's latest batshitery and pandering to ignorant bigots are attacks in an ad against Mitt Romney for - oh the absolute horror - being able to speak French. Last time I looked, France was a NATO ally and not insignificant trade partner with America. But amongst the knuckle dragging set, France and those who can speak a foreign language upset the groundless sense of superiority so desired by the redneck, white supremacist and Christianist crowd. I swear, to be a Republican nowadays, a lobotomy is a prerequisite. Gingrich's attacks are insane, but so then is Gingrich in my opinion. Here are highlights from Politico on this lunacy followed by a ad clip:

A new web ad from Newt Gingrich's campaign, "The French Connection," stresses the similarities between Mitt Romney and John Kerry, tying the two Massachusetts politicians together with the fact that both of them speak French.

"Just like John Kerry, he speaks French, too," the ad's narrator says of Romney, showing an often-circulated clip of Romney speaking about the 2002 Winter Olympics in French.

The French theme came up in 2004, when Republicans noted that Kerry "looked French" -- and that fact isn't lost on team Newt as they use the connection against Romney now.

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