Sunday, December 25, 2011

More Anti-Gay Bigotry in Tennessee

As bad as things are for LGBT citizens in Virginia, the state of Tennessee and a number of Kool-Aid institutions in Tennessee seem to be working hard to make the bigotry and batshitery of Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli look moderate in comparison. First we saw the enactment of state legislation in Tennessee that rescinded the efforts of cities and localities to ensure non-discrimination. Now we see private and "Christian" schools enacting policies that are starkly anti-gay. Apparently, the desire to conduct the equivalent of fellatio for the gratification of gay haters outweighs the desire to provide an atmosphere where modern, progressive businesses might actually want to locate to Tennessee rather than fleeing the state screaming. The latest episode of anti-gay hate and extremism comes from Rossville Christian Academy, a private 4K-12 school that according to WREG-TV 3 has adopted the following policy:

"Homosexuality is forbidden in scripture (Romans 1:27, Leviticus 18:22). A staff member or student who promotes, engages in, or identifies himself/herself with such activity through any word or action shall be in violation of this policy. Should the administration determine a violation of this policy, the person involved will be subject to disciplinary action with the possibility of permanent dismissal. Any applicant who is not in compliance with this policy will not be admitted."

Not surprising, part of the "statement of faith" required of attendees at Rossville Christian Academy reads as follows:

The Holy Bible, composed of the Old and New Testaments, is the word of GOD and the final and supreme authority for faith and life. It is the inspired word of GOD and is without error in the original writings.

Yep, that's what passes for enlightenment at Rossville Christian Academy. Although, I guess one shouldn't be surprised since the chairman of the board of the school goes by the name of "Bubba Bateman." Why not just get your child a lobotomy rather than send him or her to Rossville Christian Academy where they will receive the academic equivalent of a lobotomy. Interestingly enough, at least one parent is waking up to the batshitery that goes on at Rossville Christian Academy. Here are more highlights from WREG-TV 3:

At least one Rossville, TN, parent is questioning school policy after her child's school sent an updated note defining its position on homosexuality. "My initial reaction is that it was specifically aimed at one person, and I felt very sad about that," said the parent, who did not want to be identified.

News Channel 3 took the policy to University of Memphis Law Professor Steve Mulroy who said the policy is legal. "It's entirely legal. There's no federal or state anti-discrimination law that protects gay people," Mulroy said. Mulroy, who has fought for gay rights in Shelby County, says there are a few scattered local ordinances across the country that protect gays, but none in Tennessee.

We contacted several Rossville Christian Academy board members for interviews, but they either did not return our calls or denied our requests. The parent we spoke with says she will not go as far as to remove her child from the school at this point, but will continue to question policies. "If you're going to single out one thing that you say is a sin, then maybe we have to address every single thing," she said.

I'm sorry, but I see conservative Christianity as a blight and threat to democratic society. To be totally candid, I see those who blindly and slavishly follow the message of fear and hatred of others that is the core of this toxic version of religious belief as suffering from nothing less than a form of mental illness. Yes, some of it is due to the foul environment in which they were raised, but at some point if one has a modicum of decency and intelligence, they cannot help but reject such a limiting and hate based belief system.

1 comment:

LadyeCatte said...

Thank you for this report, Michael! I was searching for an answer posed to me on Christian bigotry, and this was one that hadn't been cited. I get points for "smartness" thanks to you!

Enlightening expose, by the way. Keep up the good fight!