Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Throckmorton Demolishes NARTH's Anti-Gay Honoree

If you want to listen to liars if listening to Herman Cain's endless denials isn't more than enough for you, then you might check out the faux scientific organization NARTH (National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality) where lies, falsehoods and deliberate distortions of research is the norm. In fact, dishonesty - and claimed religiosity - seems to be a prerequisite for involvement in NARTH. As Warren Throckmorton points out at its recent conference NARTH honored not only a non-scientist but an individual that has a track record of distorting the research of others or hanging his hat on bogus research. While the topic is not titillating, it's important to understand the tactics used by NARTH and its allies in the Christian Right in order to e able to respond to and demolish their fake research on sexual orientation. Warren provides a great blue print on how to do this. Here are some highlights:

During the recent NARTH (National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality) conference in Phoenix, organization President Julie Hamilton gave an award to Michel Lizotte, a Canadian journalist. The award was given because Lizotte has been “clearly presenting the research and providing hope and help to those who are seeking such help” in Canada.

[W]hat says a lot about NARTH is the type of “education” Mr. Lizotte has been presenting. A look at Lizotte’s website (translated from the French via Google translation) indicates that he promotes the reparative drive theory of homosexuality. On this page, Lizotte posted videos of Joseph Nicolosi explaining the reparative theory. Lizotte claims research on homosexuality supports his views . . .

Examining the footnotes tells you a lot about his efforts and NARTH’s decision to promote Lizotte’s work. . . . . Stekel, Bieber, Rubenstein* and Ovesey were psychoanalysts who developed their theories about homosexuality, not from studies, but from a limited number of psychoanalytic cases. Bieber’s study has recently been compromised by revelations that one co-author, Cornelia Wilbur, conspired with a journalist to distort at least two case reports, including the famous case of Sybil. Bieber’s methods had been discredited because he relied on psychoanalysts who already believed homosexuality derived from deficient parenting.

Van Den Aardweg’s 1986 book reports the results of his cases treated with “Anticomplaining therapy.” He reports lots of successes but essentially these are his claims with no independent verification or peer review. Birk’s 1974 report comes the closest to a credible report of change but adds no new information about the “origins of homosexuality.” If anything, however, behavioral psychotherapist Birk would disagree with most of what is on Lizotte’s website about causes. In 1980, Birk reported that those who wanted to gain heterosexual capacity had some success but they were not free of homosexual behavior or feelings.

In short, Lizotte makes claims about homosexuality, supports the claims with old, poorly designed and/or irrelevant citations, fails to cite conflicting and/or newer research and then says that “the latest research” supports his position. No wonder NARTH gave him an award.

NARTH's award yet again underscores that there are few people less honest and deceitful that the "godly Christian" set and their gay hating allies. When all is said and done, they continue to demonize gays and disseminate fraudulent information to make a buck and to aid the political agenda of the hate groups that stand behind a good chunk of NARTH's funding.

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