Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Southern Baptist Leader - Gays Seek “Sexual Paganization of Society”

As if bound and determined to underscore the fact that so-called Christians are the principal enemies of LGBT equality, extremist Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's ("SBC") misnamed Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, was on an anti-LGBT rant the other day in which he accused LGBT citizens of seeking the "sexual paganization of society" and claimed that gays recruited children down to the grade school level. Obviously, the SBC's idea of ethics encompasses spreading deliberate lies about others. As for religious liberty, it's a totally one way street where all are supposed to be subjected to SBC dogma. Here's a video clip of the batshitery:

Here are more details from the Right Wing Watch site:

During the program, Land warned that gay rights activists seek to "reduce [Christians] to the level of the Ku Klux Klan" so that they will be ostracized by society and went on to assert that gays are "recruiting" children, which is a form a child abuse, while claiming that homosexuality is "incomprehensible." In the end, Land claimed, gays really just want to destroy the institution of marriage in order to bring about the "full-blown paganization" of America.

They're recruiting down in the grade school levels. They're recruiting people for homosexual clubs and it's really child abuse is what it is.

You need to find out what's going on in your school. You need to ask your children what's going on, you need to see what books their reading, you need to know what the teacher is talking about because, I'm telling you, they are trying to brainwash our children in the public schools.

Even if you take out AIDS, male homosexuals die much earlier than heterosexual males do because of the inherently dangerous - health dangerous stuff that they engage in. But I don't think that's the big issue - I think that's a side issue. I think the real issue is they want to destroy marriage.

I don't think gays need to do anything to make conservative Christians look like dedicated members of the KKK. Folks like Land are doing the job for us without any of us lifting a finger.

1 comment:

Jack Scott said...

Land and his ilk are sickening.

On the playground in grade school we use to repel verbal barbs by saying, "What you say is what you are."

That is actually the case with these people. Gays don't try to recruit children; but the Baptist fundamentalists sure as hell do.

Gays don't lie about their agenda. Most simply want equal protection under the law. The Baptist fundamentalists lie even to themselves. They simply make up these stories to scare the crap out of gullible people and thus enhance their own standing as a refuge from evil (the evil they created with their lies).

Jack Scott