Friday, August 12, 2011

GOP Presidential Candidates Fundraise For Anti-Gay Groups

A recent visitor to the blog left a comment that basically said that I shouldn't be so hard on Christians because many would be welcoming and good neighbors. That's true as far as it goes, but being a good neighbor in my view also involves vigorously standing up to haters and not allowing the modern day Pharisee class composed of Christianists and self-enriching professional Christians to define Christianity. On this front, too often the "good Christians" as I call them yield the field time after time to the haters. When are they going to loudly condemn the hate merchants who cloth themselves in the robe of religion? When are their leaders going to demand to go on the news networks and state unequivocally that the the haters are false Christians? Bad things happen to others when the good folk remain silent out of either laziness, difference, or fear. Meanwhile, the hate groups continue to be the public face of Christianity as demonstrated by the groveling that the GOP presidential contender do before groups such as The Family Foundation here in Virginia - an organization that is a continuing fountain of hatred towards others. The ultimate irony, of course, is Herman Cain groveling to these groups which if one scratches the surface are anti-black as well. Talk about being an Uncle Tom. Here are highlights from the Washington Independent:

A number of Republican presidential candidates are raising money for family policy councils, state-based religious-right groups affiliated with the Family Research Council, a group that the Southern Poverty Law Center says is an anti-gay hate group.

Many, but not all, of the policy council fundraisers are being held in early primary states. Presidential candidates Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Herman Cain have all signed on to headline FRC-affiliated fundraisers.

The Florida Family Policy Council announced last week that Bachmann will headline it’s annual fundraising gala at the end of August. The Aug. 27 event, the group’s “6th Annual Policy Awards Dinner,” is billed by the group as the “conservative dinner event of the year,” with a theme of “Igniting a Cultural Transformation.”

The Ignite campaign, which more than a dozen participating family policy councils have refused to discuss openly, is raising millions for the state-based groups as part of a strategy to capitalize on Republican wins in 2010.

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain will be on hand for a fundraiser gala benefiting the Family Foundation of Virginia. The theme for the Richmond event is “Our time is now!” The Family Foundation was instrumental in passing an anti-gay marriage amendment in Virginia in 2006.

The Family Institute of Connecticut is hosting its annual banquet on Sept. 30 and have signed on presidential candidate Rick Santorum. “Same-sex marriage is being wielded as a weapon to push the gospel out of American society altogether,” Peter Wolfgang, head of FIC, recently said. Same-sex marriage is legal in Connecticut.

Earlier this year, presidential candidate Newt Gingrich headlined a fundraiser for the Minnesota Family Council. Bachmann was also in attendance. At the Minnesota Family Council event, Gingich was showered with glitter by an activist supportive of LGBT rights. The Minnesota Family Council was successful in getting a measure on the ballot in 2012 to add a ban on same-sex marriage to the state constitution.

The Minnesota Family Council has also come under criticism for statements on its website that accuse gays and lesbians of eating feces and engaging in sex with children and animals.

Until the "good Christians" begin to seriously stand up to groups like the ones cited in the article, I'm sorry, but I am going to lump them in as part of the problem. Sometimes being meek and silent is not the true Christian thing to do.

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