Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weddings Begin in New York State! - Robert Knight Has Apoplexy

Weddings began shortly after midnight in New York State. Pictured above are Cheryle Rudd and Kitty Lambert became the first gay married couple this morning with Niagara Falls in the background. Besides ending religious based discrimination in the civil laws in New York, same sex marriage will bring an economic windfall to the state. Bob Witeck has a piece at CNN that looks at why marriage equality is good for business. Read the article here.
Meanwhile, Robert Knight who has made a career out of disseminating anti-gay untruths and who strikes me as a self-loathing closet case, recently had a rant in the Washington Times about the left's - read gays - assault on the nation's so-called Judeo-Christian morality. With Knight the quest to force Christianist religious beliefs on all citizens trumps everything else - even the potential default on the national debt. Here are highlights from his screed that likely would have sat well with Norway's mass murder suspect:
Over the past 90 years, a relentless campaign has unfolded to overthrow Judeo-Christian morality and replace it with an amorality that says desires themselves validate choices.
This campaign has been advanced largely by hijacking the rubric and moral capital of the black civil rights movement and misapplying it to volitional behavior. The changes, which move us closer to barbarism, are enforced via media that pounce on even the slightest hesitation to embrace the new immorality.
The current target of this unholy campaign is the perversion of marriage. For the first time, a Republican-controlled state Senate chamber provided the margin of victory for a state law redefining marriage away from the man-woman requirement. Soon, there will be no bride needed or no groom for a New York marriage license.
The left is not about to call a truce in the culture war. Sensing disarray, the Obama administration has stepped up its attacks on the moral order even while it runs our economy off a cliff.
It’s not too late to save what’s left of marriage and to reorder public policies to strengthen rather than corrode the sanctity of the home. . . . A great reservoir of sentiment for the permanent things is waiting to be tapped. What’s needed first is moral leadership from those who purport to be leaders.
Can't you just feel the Christian love?

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