Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Support for Legal Gay Relations Hits New High

Yet another new poll - this time by Gallup - underscores the fact that the Christianists are loosing the culture wars no matter what Jim Daly tries to claim to the contrary as he tries to appease the Christianist extremists. Gallup reveals that 56% of Americans deem gay relationships morally acceptable:
Americans are somewhat less likely to consider gay or lesbian relations to be morally acceptable than to say they should be legal. However, the 56% who consider gay or lesbian relations morally acceptable is the highest Gallup has measured since this question was first asked in 2001.
On the less positive side, the public continues to fall for the bullshit ex-gay myth disseminated by the professional Christian set and the registered "family values" hate groups:
Though public acceptance of gay and lesbian relations has increased, Americans remain divided as to the origins of same-sex orientation. Forty-two percent say being gay or lesbian is "due to factors such as upbringing and environment," while 40% believe it is "something a person is born with." Prior to 2001, Americans were more inclined to think being gay or lesbian was a product of one's environment.

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