Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Right Wing's Anti-Transgender Jihad

As a number of blogs have noted, including a piece by fellow contributor Austen Crowder on The Bilerico Project, the hate merchants of the far right are ratcheting up their anti-transgender noise machine in reaction the Chaz Bono's visibility and media coverage. In addition to the typical red herring that transgender equality legislation will allow sexual predators to dress as women and stalk women and young girls in restrooms, the more untethered are calling for sex reassignment surgery to be made illegal. The common threads in all of the rants are (1) that Christianist religious views must be imposed on all and (2) that non-heterosexuals - transgender individuals in particular - be utterly dehumanized into some subhuman category. As I've stated before, the folks continue to use the blueprint laid down by the Nazis of 70+ years ago to dehumanize Jews. Here 's a sampling from Austen's post:
The bad news? Back at the ranch of sexual repression, the collecitve social conservative blogosphere is waking up to discover that transgender people exist - and having a coronary in the process. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the "make it illegal" offense:
After decades of liberals peddling the idea that gender doesn't matter and is just a "social construct" suddenly we are told by these same liberals like Mr. Bono that gender does matter to the point that the gender we are born in may not be satisfactory. Yet, if gender is just a social construct, as has been maintained for decades by feminists, why not change the "paradigm," stay in the body one is born with and be happy?[...]

And we must say no. As a society, it is time to draw a line in the sand. The human body must be protected from those who seek to do it harm. . . . Transgender surgeries and transformations ought to be illegal altogether -- much as suicide is illegal in some states. If we do not render transgender operations illegal, how will we address those who insist they are uncomfortable with two arms or two legs and want amputation?
Then there's AFA's douche bag in chief, Bryan Fischer, who is alleging that it is gay activists - not Christofascists like himself and those spurred to violence by screeds from pulpits - who are the "number one perpetrators of hate crimes in America." Right Wing Watch has a report of Fischer's latest hate filled batshitery. Here are highlights:
So far this week, Bryan Fischer has called gay activists Nazis, likened them to Spanish Inquisition and Torquemada, and said they will forcibly brainwash anyone who does not "support sexual deviancy."
So how could he possibly top that? By seizing on the fact that Peter Vidmar stepped down from his position with the 2012 U.S. Olympic team over his support for Proposition 8 to announce that it is now his goal in life to prove that "the number one class of people who are committing hate crimes today are homosexual activists":

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