Wednesday, February 02, 2011

While Iowa House Votes for Discrimination, a Young Man Speaks About Family

Yesterday in Iowa, the Republican controlled House passed a resolution to start the process to amend that state's constitution to completely wipe out all legal recognition of same sex relationships, not just marriage. The backers of this religious based bigotry argue that only a heterosexual couple can properly raise children (they apparently think single parents should be kicked to the curb too based on this argument). One young Iowan, Zach Wahls, eloquently took exception to this lie as shown in the video above. The irony is that with so many abusive and dysfunctional heterosexual headed families, the enemies of gay marriage are seemly afraid that gays might be better able to make marriage work. My youngest daughter recently remarked that the boyfriend and I have a better relationship that straight couples she knows.
The Advocate has details on yesterday's vote which can be found here.

1 comment:

Christian Taylors Mom said...

What a well put together sincere caring loving generously well spoken and educated son of this couple and yes a family isnt who the parents are(same sex OR heteroral sexual couple) they were committed and raised a great son and also his sister who is his FULL sibling, Bravo Well spoken views that NEED to be stated! WHO cares if your sexual preference is of the same sex, it is HOW you VALUE life!!!!!!