Saturday, October 23, 2010

Scott Rigell Suggests Racist Virginia Beach GOP Chair Was Victim of Conspiracy

Christianist/Tea Party subscribing GOP congressional candidate Scott Rigell has strangely suggested that David Bartholomew, the GOP Party chair in Virginia Beach who resigned after being linked to an incredibly bigoted and racist e-mail, was a victim of a conspiracy. A conspiracy apparently aimed at Rigell. The logic - or lack there of - is bizarre, but then far right zealots like Rigell (who is running a stealth campaign modeled on Bob McDonnell's last year) typically live in some alternate universe. Bartholomew, not some secret cabal, sent out the horrid e-mail and when caught provided an utterly lame and unbelievable excuse. That a former GOP party chair had also forwarded another racist e-mail must likewise be to Rigell's thinking part of a conspiracy as well. Here are highlights from Blue Virginia:
Scott Rigell, who the other day condemned (now former) Virginia Beach Republican Committee chair David Bartholomew for forwarding a racist email. Now, in response to a woman's question about why he let this happen to a "wonderful leader" like Bartholomew, and why this came up now, here's the bizarre, conspiratorial part of Rigell's response (after once again, correctly, stating that with leadership comes responsibility and accountability):
Now, why it came out the way it came out and when it came out? You understand that. And you know what, the full fabric of our community understands that as well, because I've been in touch with our friends in all parts of our community...they're not fooled by this.
Yep, it's all a ploy to drive votes from Rigell according to Rigell. While I'm not a strong fan of Democrat incumbent Glenn Nye, Glenn is neither a racist nor a homophobe like Rigell and he certainly is the better man to represent the area in Congress.

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