Sunday, October 31, 2010

Argentina Buries A President - Condolences to Cristina Fernandez Kirchner

Former Argentinean President Nestor Kirchner (at left) - husband of the current president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez Kirchner - died unexpectedly of a heart attack earlier this week as reported in this AP story, ending the expectation that he would regain the presidency after his wife's term expires. LGBT Argentineans owe a great deal to the Kirchners. For those who may have missed it, Cristina Fernandez Kirchner's dramatic and vigorous endorsement of the gay marriage bill in the Argentine Parliament earlier in the year likely was the catalyst to the Senate's passage of the history making legalization of same sex marriage. She took on the Roman Catholic Church head on as it tried to interfere with Argentina's civil laws. Would that the USA had such a courageous president. A video of Ms. Kirchner's remarks is set out below. My most sincere condolences go out to Ms. Kirchner and her family, as well as the millions in Argentina mourning her husband's passing.

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