Friday, September 17, 2010

DADT Video Message from Lady Gaga - How a "Fierce Advocate" Should Act

One can only hope that Barack Obama is paying attention to Lady Gaga's advocacy for the repeal of DADT. She's demonstrating what a true advocate does - as opposed to talking and and doing nothing. Her new video that was released today is set out below. It's beyond disturbing that Gaga seems to have a better appreciation of Constitutional protections afforded to ALL citizens than does of spineless Commander-in-Chief and members of Congress only to happy to prostitute themselves to religious extremists who seeking to subvert constitutional rights of other citizens. Here are highlights from the Advocate:
Lady Gaga released a video early Friday that directs viewers to call their senators in advance of next week's vote on the National Defense Authorization Act, which houses “don't ask, don't tell” repeal.
Gaga addressed the message to her fellow Americans, youths, and Republican senators, including John McCain, who has threatened to filibuster “don't ask, don't tell” repeal.
I am here to be a voice for my generation, not the generation of the senators who are voting, but for the youth of this country, the generation that is affected by this law, and whose children will be affected,” said Gaga.
“We are not asking you to agree with or approve the moral implications of homosexuality. We're asking you to do your job, to protect the constitution,” she said.
Senator Jim Webb, are you listening?

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