Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why We DO Need to Close the "gAyTM"

Joe Mirabella had posts on Pam's House Blend and The Bilerico Project entitled "Don't Close the "gAyTM" that garnered high volumes of comments (65 comments on Bilerico and 197 comments on Pam's blog). Joe's argument - after reviewing all of the betrayals and non-actions of Obama and Congressional Democrats to date - boils down to the following:
$300 Million [in far right organization funding] can do incredible damage to not only the Democratic Party, but to the LGBT community. The Republican Party remains viscerally opposed to equal rights for LGBTs. If you think sitting on your wallet is helpful to our community, you are simply wrong.
I realize not every Democrat is perfect and some are downright wrong on our issues. This is why I urge the DNC to create an LGBT fund. Allow us to contribute to the DNC while knowing our money won't support candidates who do not support us.
With all due respect to Joe, he's singing EXACTLY the song the cynical, disingenuous Democrats - including our faux "fierce advocate" in the White House - want him to sing. There will ALWAYS be an excuse why they want us to keep ponying up money and votes for them even as they do nothing but give us false promises of future progress in return. Except the return never happens and the date for promised results just moves on further and further out in the future. As noted in prior posts, one form of insanity is continuing to do the same thing time and time again and expecting different results to somehow miraculously to occur. It's not going to happen. *
As long as the Democrats know that they can throw us repeatedly under the bus yet can count on us to show up with money and votes like Pavlov's dog, why is there any need for them do anything different? They get exactly what they want without doing anything except holding up the same old GOP boogie man. They think we're idiots - and if we keep doing the same thing no matter how bad the betrayals, they are right, we will be proving ourselves to be idiots. The homophobic and slanted DADT survey - which I personally suspect our "fierce advocate" at the White House knew about - is but the latest glaring evidence of the contempt with which the Democrats believe they can view us and still have us mindlessly hand over money and show up on election day.
Pam Spaulding's analysis is correct in my view: turn off the gAyTM except for candidates that have actually done what they promised in terms on actual, concrete votes. In keeping with this approach, I am supporting Virginia 2nd District Congressman Glenn Nye for re-election because he has delivered: He voted for Hate Crimes, he a co-sponsor of ENDA and he voted for DADT repeal. As for the rest of the Democrats and the DNC, Pam's thoughts are spot on:
The reality-based conclusion in the coffeehouse is that we've had it with the hopey-changey head fakes and fear-based approaches to extracting cash out of the gAyTM. It's over.
We're keeping the gAyTM CLOSED, only donating to pols and organizations that are pro-equality and have been effective in advocacy. I see nothing wrong with this. I am not, however, an advocate of sitting out the midterms. If you have pro-equality candidates on the ballot, they deserve and need your vote.
[R]eality-based LGBTs . . are tired of being played. We're tired of being told by Beltway advocates (who are in a political bubble) that to disagree with this White House's LGBT "strategy" (if you can call it that) is "politically unsophisticated," impatient or that it's merely tantrum throwing. Say whatever you wish about our position. The GAyTM is still closed.

1 comment:

jim said...

As much as I love your reasoning most of the time, electing Republicans is not going to help and will likely do damage. I share your frustration and in a perfect world I would share your plan of action, but that is EXACTLY the line of thought that principled people had when the voted for Ralph Nader in Florida in 2000. In our real life 2 party system they gave us 8 years of George W. Bush.

Please remember that when you consider supporting Republicans by not supporting Democrats.