Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Family Foundation - The Fount of Bigotry in Virgina

As Gov. Bob McDonnell and Ken "I'm a Loon" Cuccinelli continue to graple with their self-inflicted political firestorm over the anti-gay jihad started by McDonnell and brought to full crisis mode by Cuccinelli, someone finally had the courage in the Virginia General Assembly to point to the real behind the scenes actor that put the whole mess into motion. Senate Majority Leader Richard L. Saslaw, D-Fairfax had the guts to call a spade a spade and is quoted as follows in the Richmond Times Dispatch:
"They're so terrified of the Family Foundation that they don't go to the bathroom without consulting them first," Senate Majority Leader Richard L. Saslaw, D-Fairfax, said of the conservative grass-roots organization that has defended Cuccinelli.
Who and what are The Family Foundation ("TFF")? It is the Virginia affiliate of Daddy Dobson's toxic Focus on the Family and also has ties to the ever gay-hating Family Research Council led by the Klan loving Tony Perkins, and the Alliance Defense Fund. With the GOP in control of the Governor's mansion and the House of Delegates, the true governor of Virginia is TFF's ever frigid President, Victoria Cobb (pictured above), who will not rest until religious freedom exists only for right wing Christians with everyone else forced to live by Christianist dictates. TFF and its minions in the Virginia General Assembly have been behind EVERY anti-gay measure in Virginia since 1985 and a careful reading of it's agenda shows that like most of the far right "Christian" organizations, it also hates blacks, non-Christians, Hispanics - in short, basically everyone who is not a white evangelical Christian. But TFF saves its most special hatred for gays. Here are a few statements from TFF's website vis-a-vis gays:
Principle: Marriage, as the lifelong union between one man and one woman, is an institution of God and a foundation of civil society.
Homosexuality in Schools
Homosexual advocates are working through school curricula and student groups such as “Gay-Straight Alliances” to bring their message to children in Virginia. Legislation is needed to bar these groups from promoting risky sexual behavior in our public schools.
Domestic Partner Benefits Homosexual advocates have worked to diminish the status of marriage by providing marriage benefits to any relationship. Already, private companies in Virginia can do so. Efforts are underway to expand this to state and local government.
Previous versions of TFF's website made it clear that the imposition of the organization's "Biblical world view" on all Virginian's was its number one goal. While the website has been revised to be somewhat less blatant in revealing the group's mission. Here are highlights from Victoria Cobb's e-mail message to TFF members after the GOP sweep last November:
Even with a larger conservative majority in the Virginia House of Delegates, the obstacle that our pro-family, pro-life agenda has faced for several years – the Virginia state Senate – stands between us and our goals.
[W]e will not stop, we will not rest, until the Senate of Virginia reflects our values! We will not stop working until that chamber joins the rest of our leaders in supporting common sense pro-life and pro-family proposals.
I also encourage you to be praying for all the newly elected candidates. In particular, over the next few months Governor-elect McDonnell . . .
Somehow, I suspect that Taliban Bob will not be receiving accolades from Ms. Cobb today after his press conference and the Executive Directive he signed yesterday. As the Times Dispatch noted later in its article:
Steve Waters, a Republican operative closely aligned with the party's conservatives, said of the McDonnell statement: "There is trouble in the Republican house when the attorney general seems to side with the grass roots of the Republican Party and the governor and lieutenant governor seem to be straying away."
Not surprisingly TFF does not think too highly of me - I've been described as a dangerous "homosexualist activist." I take having TFF as an enemy as a high badge of honor.

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