Monday, March 01, 2010

Why Do Gays Use Homophobic Law Firms?

I guess sometimes you just have to wait for homophobes to reap what they sow. A case in point is an interesting e-mail I received from a reader who was incensed over the fact that an historical association with which he is connected and which received a large gift from one of his friends who died of AIDS has apparently been using a Hampton Roads area law firm that has a track record of homophobia for legal services. To make matters even more troubling, it seems that the association has LGBT board members who may or may not have no idea of who they are dealing with in terms of this law firm. Frankly, as one of the only area attorneys who is out socially and professionally, it baffles me that far too many members of the LGBT community continue to give their hard earned money to law firms that would not hire them because of their sexual orientation and whose members likely laugh uproariously at fag jokes, etc. As I have previously noted, the majority of Virginia law firms do NOT have policies that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. Yet time and time again I hear of gays using anti-gay firms. I do not understand it. It's like a Jew using a Neo-Nazi's services. In any event, this writer has a blog that lets the homophobic law firm have it. Here are some highlights:
A warning to all Gay and Lesbians (LGBT) who are members of the Steamship Historical Society of America – we have learned the SSHSA has retained Wolcott Rivers Gates for years. This is a Virginia law firm who does not adhere to a non-discrimination policy that bars employment based on sexual orientation . . . .
This brings into question why would the SSHSA, based in Providence, RI, purposely hire an out of state law firm known for being aggressively opposed to a non-discrimination policy. Does the SSHSA, its officers, trustees agree with the law firms position regarding LGBT employees? Does the SSHSA maintain similar employment policies in Rhode Island regarding gay employees?
Many of the most prominent experts and lecturers on steamship history are gay. Is the SSHSA so insensitive they would purposely hire a firm that fires gay lawyers?
We have learned there are LGBT members serving on the board of SSHSA. Do they condone the SSHSA retaining a law firm in Virginia of homophobic policies. We checked out the attorneys at Wolcott Rivers Gates. The firms photos are on line. They are all white men and women. The firm has no minority attorneys and has fired openly gay lawyers in the past.

Yes, I am well acquainted with the law firm. And based on my personal knowledge and from what has been related to me by friends that suffered at the hands of gay bashing and homophobic behavior by its attorneys in divorce cases, this firm is anything but gay friendly despite its efforts to suck in money from uninformed LGBT clients. Talk is cheap. Actions speak volumes.

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