Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Ugandan Presidential Politics Behind "Kill Gays" Law?

David Mixner has a very interesting and intriguing post on his blog that has a different take on what may be ultimately behind the Uganda "kill the gays" legislation pending in the Ugandan Parliament. We it true, it would still fit hand in glove with the efforts of American anti-gay Christianists, including nutcase, Scott Lively. What it might be? The goal of keeping the current pro-Christian conservative president of Uganda in office. It would make a kind of sick sense. The Christianist allies of Republicans - who love to depict campaign opponents as possibly gay - in effect helping set the stage to discredit or criminalize a potential presidential opposition candidate. You see, President Museveni is worried about the return of Olara Otunnu to possibly head up the opposition in the next election. Olara Otunnu is is single and with no children,and we all know what that might mean! Indeed, it sounds like something Karl Rove would dream up. I will reserve judgment for now, but here are some highlights from David's post:
Could it be that the upcoming Ugandan presidential election is one of the main reasons behind the "kill the gays" legislation before the Ugandan Parliament? President Museveni must be very concerned about the return of renowned and honored statesman Olara Otunnu to possibly head up the opposition in the next election. Otunnu is single and with no children and the presidential allies have been spreading rumors about his private life far and wide. You can fill in the spaces.
Most importantly, Mr. Otunna (photograph) brings an astounding resume back to Uganda after a more or less self imposed exile from the country since 1986. Likely to be the nominee of the Uganda People's Congress, Otunna would be a bright light in a nation that increasingly is becoming a dark place including the anti-gay legislation. Rarely has a more distinguished person sought the presidency of Uganda. Oxford and Harvard educated, Otunna has been viewed as the conscience of his countrymen.
Clearly the return of this international human rights activist and hero has been perceived as a threat to President Musevenia and
recently the opposition leader was the victim of a highly suspicious traffic accident.
According to NewVision in Uganda, the Otunna escaped unhurt after his automobilie was hit by a jeep of the Presidential Guard Brigade.
The ruling party explained it as a simple accident while Otunna and his entourage have a different view.
Not only does the LGBT community have a stake in this next presidential election in Uganda but so do the children of the world, the people of Uganda and believers in the future of Africa
On her show tonight, Rachel Maddow interviewed a spokesman for the secret Christianist organization, The Family. Interestingly enough, he referenced "private" communications to have President Musevenia kill the anti-gay legislation. With many Ugandans whipped into a an anti-gay frenzy, could it perhaps be that the legislation can now be allowed die and Otunnu could still be damaged by the atmosphere deliberately manufactured to help Musevenia?

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