Thursday, October 08, 2009

Obama's Address at the HRC Dinner on Saturday

There is much conjecture going on as to what President Obama will say when he delivers the keynote speech at HRC's dinner on Saturday evening. Personally, I expect that we will hear more of the nice sounding bullshit that has been Obama's hallmark since being elected - with the aid of gay votes and money. Any outline for concrete action will likely be missing in action. I'd love to be wrong, but sadly I doubt that I will be. Obama said to hold him accountable during the campaign last year. Now that he's in office, he feels that he has to account to no one. There are others who likewise have low expectations. Andrew Sullivan is one. Here are some highlights from his comments on Obama's upcoming speech:
A constructive proposal for the president as he addresses HRC this weekend. Help us in Maine and Washington state. Marriage equality is being attacked in Maine with classic techniques of fear, especially around children. In Washington, the Christianist right is fighting to reverse equal domestic partnerships, revealing that the m-word is not their real concern; their true fear is that gay people might cease to be pariahs.
Since the president has made it clear he will offer us nothing but words - and only in contexts where straight people are largely absent - he could urge the voters of Maine and Washington to stand up for equality. My old comrade in the marriage fight, Evan Wolfson, has
offered his thoughts on how Obama's speech could help. I hope Obama or his speech-writers listen.
I hate to say it, but much of the time I believe the best option for LGBT Americans who seek full civil equality is to leave the USA and emigrate to more gay friendly countries. As the USA falls further behind other nations on the issue of gay rights, the choice of destinations continues to increase.

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