Monday, September 21, 2009

GOP and Teabaggers Return to McCarthyism

I am constantly appalled at how little accurate history most people know. The oft stated saying that "those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it" seems all too true given the current intellectual decline and increasing demagoguery of leaders in the Republican Party and their fantasy world followers among the teabaggers and birthers. How an allegedly educated and developed country can harbor such idiocy is down right scary. It also clearly shows why the far right doesn't like people to be well versed in true history and inconvenient historical facts. If much of what we are hearing coming from the far right sounds familiar it's because the country went through a similar phase back in the 1950's that should never be allowed to occur again. Here is the script these folks are working from:

People need to wake up to what is happening and reject those who support this type of discourse and character assassination.

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