Friday, August 21, 2009

Arizona Pastor's Sermon Calls for Execution of Gays, Barney Frank and Barack Obama

The lunacy - and possibly illegal threats - from the Christianists and lunatic fringe elements of the GOP are increasingly off the charts and at times down right frightening. I cannot help but wonder whether it might not be appropriate for the Secret Service to stop by and pick up Pastor Steven Anderson (pictured at left) of Faithful Word Baptist for some questioning. Words often DO HAVE consequences and given how unhinged some of the far right elements have become, it is certainly within the realm of the possible that someone might act upon the dear Pastor's incitements. Pam's House Blend has some highlights:
"The sodomites are recruiters and you know who they are after? Your children. They are being recruited by the sodomites. They are being molested by the sodomites. They recruit through rape, they recruit through molestation, they recruit through violation"
"Our country is run by faggots. You know who was the man who was the architect of the bailout? His name is Barney Frank, he is a pedophile..." "That's who just sold our country into fascism. That's who just sold our corporations to the government. That's who sold out our country, a faggot!"
Among other sin-filled people Anderson calls to be executed is the POTUS, for his stand on reproductive freedom. "God Hates Barack Obama, I hate Barack Obama. I hate Him. God wants me to Hate Barack Obama." "Someone who commits murder should get the death penalty."
Take a good look - Anderson is the face of the gay hating Christianists and far right Republicans. It's not pretty and one of the reasons the younger generations have an increasingly negative view of Christianity. Anderson and those like him are Christians in name only and pervert the Gospel message.

Jeremy Hooper at Good as You also has some relevant commentary on "Rev." Anderson:


If you think this is bad, you should read some of his essays. The following is one of my favorite quotes so far: "If music without drums, syncopation, or a rock beat is acceptable music, then “Yesterday” by the Beatles would be suitable for a Christian. This song has no drums, syncopation, or rock n roll beat – so what’s wrong with it? It doesn’t talk about drugs, illicit behavior, or violence – so what’s wrong with it? What’s wrong with it is the source. It was written by God-hating communist devils. Rock n roll music was pioneered by ungodly sinners like Little Richard, a sodomite filthy animal, and Ray Charles, a heroin addict." I had no idea the Beatles were "God-hating Communist devils." I'll have to listen for Lenin references when I play Rubber Soul again. And I have to say, the Little Richard description is utterly charming.

Oh, and as a side note... it shouldn't be surprising that this man has no formal education or seminary training. He believes that Bible college is evil--that's in another essay. How convenient!


Pastor Anderson is a whack job to say the least and increasingly represents the mentality of what's left of the GOP. The more people like Anderson get exposure, the more people there will be flee from the GOP.

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