Wednesday, July 01, 2009

South Carolina First Lady Blames Husband's Affairs on Gay Marriage

UPDATED: A blogger friend/reader has advised me that DiSCust is a satire site much like the Onion, hence the story about Jenny Sanford blaming the gays for her husband's adultery is a spoof. I - and apparently many others - fell for it since it is EXACTLY the type of BS that the likes of Tony Perkins, James Dobson , Maggie Gallagher and other "professional Christians" whine about daily.
Sometimes the batshit craziness of "conservatives" and self-anointed Christians drives me crazy. First we have South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford confessing that he had "crossed the line" with other women besides his Argentinian firecracker. Next we have his "woman scorned" wife blaming gay marriage for her husband's infidelities rather than admit (a) her husband is a lying scum bag or (b) her own conduct might have led to his wondering eye. Seriously, do these people think the rest of us are blithering idiots or are they just plain crazy? Oh, and never mind that Ms. Sanford was an outspoken opponent of gay marriage even before the public learned that her husband liked to "dip his rod" into other wells. First some highlights from The State:
After days of assuring the public he was firmly in control after admitting a scandalous affair, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford detailed other encounters with his Argentine "soul mate," dalliances with women before her, and his struggle to salvage his 20-year marriage.
But as more details of his private life spill out, what Sanford has done in the name of love is too much even for some of his friends in state government. "He's lost the moral authority to lead our state, so he needs to step down for the good of our state," said state Sen. Larry Grooms, who said he called the governor and asked him to resign. Others in Sanford's party predict his departure from public life is just a matter of time, and several state newspapers urged him to go.
Sanford also said he's "crossed the lines" with a handful of other women during 20 years of marriage, but not as far as he did with Chapur and not since the two met.
"Without wandering into that field we'll just say that I let my guard down in all senses of the word without ever crossing the line that I crossed with this situation," he said, referring to his affair with Chapur.
Faced with the mounting evidence that her husband is an incredible cad who finds it difficult to honor his marriage vows, what does Jenny Sanford do? She blames her husband's dishonest, sinful trysts on Teh Gays. Here are highlights from The diSCust (Note how prescription drug addict and thrice divorced Rush Limbaugh joins the chorus):
South Carolina first lady Jenny Sanford released another statement today, this time blaming her husband’s affair on the declining moral values in America. “Of course I’m not saying that Mark is gay,” Sanford said, “but he may as well be. The moral decay in this country has claimed another victim and this time it was my family. Our marriage was perfect until these laws started passing around the country. Clearly the slow dissolution of the sanctity of marriage in America seeped into Mark’s psyche until he no longer felt compelled to abide by our vows.”
It’s finally happened,” said Rush Limbaugh, conservative radio personality. “America, I’ve been warning you for years that gay marriage would destroy the American family and look… there they are, a husband, wife, and four children — destroyed. When is this going to stop America? When will the liberals be satisfied? When all the marriages break up? This wasn’t Mark Sanford’s fault, this was Ted Kennedy’s fault. Sanford didn’t cheapen the value of marriage, he was victimized by the cheapening of marriage.”
Asked if this newly determined source of their marital problems would impact their chances of reconciliation, Mrs. Sanford was somewhat evasive. “In the end, he is the one who is going to hell and we’re going to have to work through that, but make no mistake, this whole affair can be traced back to the liberals in Washington. We may not be able to save our marriage, but it’s not too late for the rest of America. Say no to gay marriage — the marriage you save might be your own.”
I'm sorry Ms. Sanford, but I suspect if anyone is going to Hell, it's most likely haters and false Christians such as yourself. Any compassion I might have felt for you as the wronged wife is utterly gone. You are a nasty bigot plain and simple.


Phillip Minton said...

Michael, thankfully that post on diSCust is a satire, as is most of the site, similar to the Onion.

But it had fooled me too until I searched for their sources and couldn't find anything. So I checked their "About" page and realized it was satire.

You and I are not alone. Check out this post from David Badash on the New Civil Rights Movement. David took the site to task for making it seem real which prompted a response from diSCust editor.

On top of that, this piece was posted all over Facebook as fact.

Thankfully, it's not.

ZIRGAR said...

I hadn't heard about this story, but I'm glad it was s spoof. I thought about doing a similar satirical post but just couldn't develop it properly; it seems that of late I only get a good germ of an idea, but no real follow through. Still this spoof does make a valid point, and as crazy as the right is with their "logic" and "reasoning" I could actually believe this story might be true, which is really quite sad, when you think about it.

Stephen said...

Tsk, tsk! Life might yet imitate art. It is impossible to imagine how far heterosexist Christianists will go. Who would have guessed that Gov. Sanford would take King David as a precedent for not abdicating--or do I mean resigning?