Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday Morning Reflections

Last nights dance outing turned into a cluster f*ck and was anything but the relief that I needed so much. My straight friend slipped and fell on the dance floor and broke her wrist. We ended up in the Sentara Norfolk General ER until nearly 4:00 AM- which offers treatment at a pace one would expect to find in some third world medical facility rather than one that spends incredible amounts advertising even though the Sentara Health System has a near monopoly on hospitals in the region. Some of the many millions spent on advertising to a captive market would be far better spent having adequate staff in the ER's. If one wants to die, OD on a Saturday night and be taken to a Sentara facility and you'll be as good as dead.
To add to the fun, my deep depression/melancholy of yesterday spun out of control and descended into a major melt down. I very nearly agreed to check myself into the psychiatric ward. The financial strain of the bad economy combined with the unrelenting nastiness of the post-divorce wars is taking a severe toll on me and I've agreed with the boyfriend to go back into therapy to begin trying to re stabilize. I truly feel that I had been doing well emotionally and psychologically until the post-divorce nightmare began last December. Now, I feel that I've regressed significantly - not in terms of my self-acceptance - in my ability to withstand the anti-gay bigotry that continues to be a hallmark of the Virginia judicial system.
What is perhaps the most distressing is that I feel powerless in a system where the judges I have had to face view gays basically as some type of vile vermin that needs to be punished if not eradicated. I truly intend to do all I can to make their names public and do all I can to see that they are not reappointed to the bench when their current terms expire - even if that includes going before committees in the General Assembly and describing the injustices done to me. I suspect I will be able to find others who will be willing to likewise speak out against these homophobic judges.
One bright spot through all of this mess is the boyfriend who continues to be loving and supportive and overall simply wonderful. I don't know what I'd do without him.

1 comment:

Java said...

:( I'm sorry your evening turned out to be so disappointing. You should try again. Do something good for you. If you figure out how, let me know. I'm having trouble with that myself.