Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Randy Forbes Rants Against Hate Crimes Bill

I have known Congressman Randy Forbes for almost 35 years dating all the way back to our days as law school students at UVA Law. Like a number of Republican elected officials that I came to know over the years and during my former GOP activist days, Randy started out as relatively normal and has seemingly shifted further and further to the right to the point that it seems he checks to receive approval from Pat Robertson and/or James Dobson's Virginia affiliate, The Family Foundation, before he speaks. Indeed, it's as if a "Stepford Wife" like change has over come him. He was a bright and personable guy in law school and even during his days in the Virginia General Assembly. What happened to him? Here is a clip of his rant against the Matthew Shepard Act last week:


Josh Indiana said...

Your "former GOP activist days"? Oh, say it ain't so.

But at least they're former days. Welcome to the Reality-Based Community, we're glad to have you.

Michael-in-Norfolk said...


I got involved in educational issues when my children were far younger and needed differentiated education curriculum and materials since they were academically gifted and bore and unchallenged by the normal elementary curriculum.

That led to me becoming involved in the GOP after I ran for school board and was trashed by the NEA affiliate and labeled as "Christian Right" - I wonder what they think now?

As the party was being increasing taken over by the religious Kool-Aid drinkers, I ultimately resigned and cited my concerns over separation of church and state as something I could not compromise. Most of the moderates in the party that I knew from those days have likewise fled the GOP.

Josh Indiana said...


I suppose if I were really honest I'd admit that I too was a Republican like my parents, until the age of 13.

But please don't tell anyone, it would totally ruin my street cred.
