Wednesday, September 24, 2008

An Example of A Gay McCain Supporter - It's About Money

I recently reaffirmed that I would in general no longer post comments by those who chose to be "Anonymous." I did so for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that I believe that if someone wants to leave their opinion on a post, they ought to have the guts to identify themselves. Not surprisingly, I have received a number of complaints about the policy. One such complaint was from an apparent gay Republican who stated as follows:
I posted a reasonable rebuttle to the asset story concerning McCain and Obama, but you didn't post it. Why? I made some valid points. I don't have a google account and don't feel like I need one to offer an opinion. I think I have been in bounds with my posts. I AM GAY, but I do have some different opinions than yourself but I don't try to be mean about it. I am fortunate to make good money and I am concerned about my tax situation under Obama. Plus I do worry about his experience. I don't hate him. It seems like if you are gay and would possibly vote republican you get trashed.
My thoughts? First, for background, I regularly work with LGBT clients who (1) get screwed on income taxes because they cannot marry and/or file joint tax returns, (2) often are severely penalized on estate taxes because there is no marital deduction allowed for gay couples, (3) can be summarily fired from their jobs simply for being gay since there are no federal non-discrimination statutes (or state protections either in Virginia), and (4) frequently face social discrimination and are the targets of Christianist hate.
And where does John McCain stand on these issues? He apparently thinks the continuation of these problems faced by LGBT citizens is just fine and dandy since he opposes recognition of gay marriage, opposes recognition of same-sex dependents, and has voted against every hate crimes bill and opposed ENDA. Moreover, he has his nose so far up the ass of anti-gay bigots like John Hagee, et al, that it's a wonder he hasn't suffocated. In contrast, Obama takes an almost 180 degree different position on these issues. And where is anonymous? Anonymous apparently doesn't give a flip about other gays either since he merely worries about "my tax situation under Obama."
And when it comes to experience? John McCain has experience alright - the WRONG experience. Experience that consists of pushing deregulation and many of the policies that have created the economic crisis that he now wants to use as an excuse not to debate Obama on Friday. As for Sarah Palin? She is an utter joke and an insult to every intelligent rational voter. Obama has intelligence and an ability to critical analysis - something neither McCain or Palin can come close to offering. God help the USA and the world if she should ever occupy the presidency.
It's a free country and, yes, Anonymous can hold whatever opinions he wants. But that doesn't mean I have to help him disseminate them or not challenge what I think are selfish and/or wrongheaded ideas. I'm sure OneNewsNow or CBN News would like his comments far better than I. At some point the larger needs of the country and human rights for ALL citizens need to trump personal selfishness. I have paid a huge financial price being totally out, but at least I haven't sold my soul for money or lower taxes.

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