Monday, September 01, 2008

Bush Feigns Concern Over Gustav Threat

According to MSNBC news this morning, the ever clueless Chimperator is off to Texas to "monitor hurricane preparedness and aid to evacuees" as part of a PR stunt to look like he has some remote grasp of reality and, more importantly, provide a reason for him NOT to be at the GOP Convention. Personally, I was so looking forward to having him speak at the GOP Convention and hopefully make some gaffe and remind voters that McCain is a rewarmed version of Chimpy, except he's more senile.
Of course, the reality is that with Chimpy visiting the area, all he will do is screw up the emergency operations in a major way because so much effort will be redirected to pander to him just like when he visited Baton Rouge after Hurricane Katrina and sent the city into added chaos. As long time readers know, my former b/f and I brought back evacuees from Katrina and witnessed directly the chaos of the Chimperator's pointless visit back in 2005. Meanwhile, the RNC must be thanking their cruel, intolerant God who hates gays, blacks, Hispanics and immigrants (among others) for Hurricane Gustav and a somewhat plausible means for keeping the Chimperator out of public view at the convention.
Watching the ongoing news stories about concerns about the levees around New Orleans, I could only ponder how much could have been done to rebuild the levees with the billions of dollars being squandered in Iraq. As our domestic infrastucture crumbles, countless billions have been wasted on the Chimperators hubristic folly.

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