Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Janet Folger - Profile of a Professional Gay Hater

I believe that it is always important to know one's enemies. Hence the reason why I will check out the websites of various Christianist organizations and certain far right/Christian news sites. In the latter category, one of the more revealing and unhinged is World Net Daily ("WND"), referred to some as "Wingnut Daily," since it provides a platform for so many far right talking heads who lack any real tether to reality. Among those frequently featured is Janet Folger who might be described as a professional persecuted Christian who has never had a job in the real world and who holds no legitimate credentials to back up the statements and positions she shrieks about as if she were a fully credentialed authority. Her latest "job" is president and founder of Faith2Action (her old job with Reclaiming America ended when that wingnut organization shut down so she had to create one), which is an organization that seeks to inflict Christianists beliefs on the entire American citizenry.
Folger's only academic credentials are that she has received an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Christian Humanitarian Service from the South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary and that she has a Masters Degree in Communication from Cleveland State University. Despite these limited credentials that assuredly do not qualify her as a medical or mental health expert, Ms. Folger - in typical Christianist form I might add - holds forth as an expert on homosexuality and a plethora of other topics. Sadly, when she appears on various news broadcasts, the pathetic news reporters and anchors never, ever challenge her on her lack of credentials or legitimate expertise, thus giving viewers the false impression that Folger knows what the Hell she is talking about other than from a lunatic Christianist perspective. Fortunately, WND allows Folger and those like her to display just how unbalanced they are. Recently, Ms. Folger went on a rant on WND where she compared gays to the raging wildfires in California among other things. Here are some highlights:
I believe there are four major brushfires that are burning the hottest that demand our attention right now.
The tyrannical judicial redefinition of marriage. Four judges overruled more than 4 million California voters and imposed their radical homosexual agenda attacking marriage.

Colorado: S.B. 200 – the Bible Ban & Bathroom Bill – has criminalized free speech that disagrees with the homosexual agenda and the redefinition of marriage with a one-year jail sentence. It also lets men in dresses into your
Colorado daughter's locker room.
Sen. John McCain has not yet chosen a running mate. I believe this decision will not only signal what kind of president he will be, what kind of judges we can expect, but also whether or not he will win.
Sen. Barack Obama must be exposed.

Just as firemen are traveling to the dangerous fires that rage in the Golden State, we must rush to protect marriage as it goes to the ballot there in November and defend it on the ballot in states like Florida. Make the most generous donation you possibly can at
www.protectmarriage.com, and if marriage isn't on your ballot, consider flying out to help put out the fire that attacks the foundation of our civilization.
I will be at a press conference this morning along with Colorado pastors and state and national leaders to communicate the criminalization of Christianity that S.B. 200 makes state law starting today. Liberty Council is leading the challenge against this assault that you can find out about in my
column from last week. I will be handing out my book, "The Criminalization of Christianity: Read it before it becomes illegal," in direct violation of this new law. Pray for this challenge and for every action being taken to stop this assault on our freedom or next week I may be writing from jail.
Candidly, the thought of Ms. Folger incarcerated has a definite appeal, although perhaps a mental institution would be more appropriate than a jail cell. And by the way, contrary to what Ms. Folger claims, S.B. 200 merely prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, including transgender status, in housing practices, public accommodation, eligibility for jury service, availability of family planning services, as well as many other areas. These protections for gays and lesbians, bisexuals and transgender individuals are already afforded to people based on disability, race, creed, and gender, religion, national origin and marital status.

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