Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Ex-Gay for Pay and Focus On The Family Teen Magazine Lie About Gays

My blood began to boil when I saw this sick article in Breakaway Magazine, a magazine aimed at teenage boys, put out by Daddy Dobson’s Focus on the Family. Ex-gay for pay Mike Haley (who pretends to be an expert when he’s anything but an expert) serves as the mouth piece in the article. What troubles me the most about this disingenuous article is not so much the fact that the claims are not true (after years of following Dobson’s anti-gay claims, they never are true) , but the fact that neither Haley – who is drawing a nice salary, I suspect – nor Dobson give a rat’s ass about the pain and damage they are doing to impressionable young readers. How many may commit suicide a result of believing this crap?

Just as I have said that the Christian Right and the ex-gay “ministries” care nothing for the hurt and damage done to straight spouses who marry “ex-gays” only to have the marriage fail, they likewise care nothing about the young gays who may end up taking their own lives or living a life of psychological misery. All that matters is making money and keeping the ex-gay myth alive for political purposes. I sometimes think that these “Christians” probably welcome gay teen suicides since then there are fewer "faggots" in the world. I believe that God has a special place in Hell for people like James Dobson.
I would also note that the entire story is disingenuous if for no other reasons than the fact that Dobson has to keep replacing his "ex-gays" - Mike Haley is merely the latest - every time one of them falls off the wagon and reverts back to homosexuality, thereby proving the "cure" was false, e.g., John Paulk who was on the cover of Newsweek back in the late 1980's. A copy of the full Breakaway article can be found here and here:

1 comment:

Java said...

Do you think Dobson really believes that gays can change orientation? I'm sure he thinks they can change their behaviors, which of course is all this is. But changing behavior doesn't change the heart and soul. Hell, as you point out, it just damages the soul. As with you, my blood boils at this B.S.