Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Catholic Church Interferring with British Columbia Diversity Education

The Vancouver Sun is reporting ( that a Roman Catholic Church affiliate organization is endeavoring to interfer with the implementation of a diversity education program in the provincial public schools. Its too bad these Kool-Aid drinkers don't spend an equal effort demanding accountability from the Church hierarchy for all of the cover ups and intimidation of families done by bishops and cardinals. Until such time as they do so and get their noses out of the hierarchy's ass (really, it's a wonder these people don't suffocate), they have no standing to argue any matters of morality whatsoever. One might also ask these folks when hate, discrimination and intolerance became Christian values. Not that the public schools should be teaching only what comports with one group's religious views in any event. Here are some story highlights:
The Catholic Civil Rights League is urging parents to protest a B.C. teacher guide that encourages discussion about diversity -- including sexual orientation -- in all subjects and in every public school classroom. The Education Ministry drafted the guide as part of an agreement reached in 2006 with Vancouver activists Murray and Peter Corren to make the curriculum gay-friendly. With the signing of the deal, the Correns dropped a human-rights case accusing schools of systemic discrimination.
In a release titled "Resist, Counter and Protest," the league promises to work with other groups to develop strategies to fight the ministry's drive to introduce "non-heterosexual realities" in all classrooms. It sent the release and its critique of the teaching guide to every school board and district parent advisory council in B.C.
But Glen Hansman, president of the Vancouver Elementary School Teachers' Association, said the protest won't succeed because the courts have already ruled that public schools must be inclusive. Furthermore, he said the legalization of same-sex marriage suggests that most people are now comfortable with such diversity. The new guide will assist teachers in addressing social justice issues, just as a similar guide some years ago helped them incorporate aboriginal content across the curriculum, he said.

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